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right and slightly downward

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Q: Superior oblique muscle is contracted which way will rotate?
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What is the action of the external oblique muscle?

they rotate the ribs and pelvis, they help you breathe and they flex your trunk forward

What muscle rotates the torso?

The external and internal oblique muscles rotate and side bend the trunk. These muscles also stabilize the spine.

Why do superior court judges rotate?

Superior court judges rotate for several reasons. Rotating helps to give the judges a broader outlook on judicial matters. It also makes for an impartial and independent judiciary.

Which abdominal muscles rotate the trunk to the same side?

The right internal oblique and the left external oblique contract as the torso flexes and rotates to bring the left shoulder towards the right hip. The left internal oblique and the right external oblique rotates the right shoulder to the left hip (as in grapping for your seat belt). For this reason, the internal obliques are referred to as "same side rotators."

What is antagonist to the teres minor?

The teres major muscle is considered to be antagonistic to the teres minor muscle. The teres major muscle is a larger muscle located in the upper arm that works to extend, medially rotate, and adduct the arm, while the teres minor muscle is a smaller muscle that works to laterally rotate the arm.

What does the oblique muscular layer of stomach do?

The obliques function to pull the chest downwards and compress the abdominal wall. It also has some actions in both flexion and rotation of the vertebral column. The obliques contracting on one side can create lateral flexion on that side.

Muscle used to raise you arm to shoulder level?

A muscle doesn't rotate the shoulder. The ligaments that connect your shoulder blade to your arm, to your rib cage all work in a ball and socket type of way allowing you to rotate your arm 360o.

You use your deltoid muscle to raise this part of your body and your trapezius to rotate it What part?


What is the function of satorius muscle?

Sartorius is the long thin muscle extends from the anterior superior illiac spine to the distal part of the mdial surface of the tibia. It function is to flex, abduct and laterally rotate the hip as well as to assist flexion of the knee. Putting these together is bring the foot of one leg up to rest on the knee of the other and because this is the way tailors used to sit it is also called the Tailors muscle.

What muscle can do?

Muscles can contract and shorten

What is the function of aconeus muscle?

Anconeus functions to extend and rotate the elbow to allow for actions such as carrying a tray.

Which muscle is located deep to the semitendinosus muscle?

Much of the semimembranosus lies deep to the semitendinosus.