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That attaches muscle to bone.

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Q: Tendons are bundles of collagen fibers at the end of a skeletal muscle that?
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Why are skeletal muscle fibers unusual?

The skeletal muscle, or striated muscle, is the muscle attached to the skeleton. Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons. The contraction of skeletal muscle is under voluntary control.

Which muscle tissue connects bone to bone and muscle to bone?

Tendons connect muscle to bone. Ligaments connect bones to other bones. Both are types of connective tissue. Tendons are extensions of the fibrous tissue between the muscle bundles. Ligaments are made mostly of collagen fibers, giving them a little more flexibility that tendons.

What is the cornea made of?

The cornea is mostly made of collagen fibers. Collagen fibers are the most abundant type of connective tissue in animals. As well as being found in the human cornea, collagen is found in the tendons of muscles and skin.

Describe the microscopic anatomy of a muscle fiber?

Skeletal muscle fibers are composed of thousands of fibers, each with a covering of loose connective tissue-endomysium. The fibers are organized in parallel bundles called fascicles. Each fascicle is surrounded by a perimysium sheath; the presence of collagen bundles suggests dense connective tissue. Multiple fascicles are encased in a dense connective tissue-epimysium, which covers the entire muscle organ. Blood vessels and nerve fibers penetrate to the endomysium to supply the muscle fibers.

What is the dominant fiber type in dense connctive tissue?

Collagen fibers. They are very strong fibers.

Related questions

Why are skeletal muscle fibers unusual?

The skeletal muscle, or striated muscle, is the muscle attached to the skeleton. Most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons. The contraction of skeletal muscle is under voluntary control.

What fibers are responsible for resistance in tendons?

Collagen Fibers, made up of fibrous protein, which are bundled together into thick collagen fibers. Collagen fibers are extremely tough and provides high tensile strength (which provides resistant property of tendons) Stress tests have show collagen fibers to be stronger than steel fibers of the same size.....EB

What are the bundles of muscle fibers within a skeletal muscle?


Which muscle tissue connects bone to bone and muscle to bone?

Tendons connect muscle to bone. Ligaments connect bones to other bones. Both are types of connective tissue. Tendons are extensions of the fibrous tissue between the muscle bundles. Ligaments are made mostly of collagen fibers, giving them a little more flexibility that tendons.

What is the cornea made of?

The cornea is mostly made of collagen fibers. Collagen fibers are the most abundant type of connective tissue in animals. As well as being found in the human cornea, collagen is found in the tendons of muscles and skin.

What is the definition of a Skeletal muscle cell?

A skeletal muscle cell is a type of cell that is long, cylindrical, and striated in appearance. These cells are responsible for voluntary movement and are attached to bones by tendons. Skeletal muscle cells contract to generate force and movement in the body.

What provides strength in many directions ligaments reticular tissues dense trregular connective tissue or tendons?

Dense Connective Tissue provides strength in many directions. It contains bundles of collagen fibers that are thicker and are arranged irregularly to allow for that.

Describe the microscopic anatomy of a muscle fiber?

Skeletal muscle fibers are composed of thousands of fibers, each with a covering of loose connective tissue-endomysium. The fibers are organized in parallel bundles called fascicles. Each fascicle is surrounded by a perimysium sheath; the presence of collagen bundles suggests dense connective tissue. Multiple fascicles are encased in a dense connective tissue-epimysium, which covers the entire muscle organ. Blood vessels and nerve fibers penetrate to the endomysium to supply the muscle fibers.

Are skeletal muscle fibers long and strong and arranged in bundles?

Yes, though all of them are not exactly strong.

Provides great strength through parallel bundles of collagenic fibers found in tendons?

Dense fibrous connective tissue

What cord of collagen fibers attaches muscle to bone?

At each end of the muscle the collagen fibers of the epimysium, perimysium and endomysium come together to form a bundle known as a tendon. If they form a broad sheet it is called an aponeurosis. I think tendon is what you're looking for.

How a muscles attach to a bones?

Musclesare connected tobonesby tendons, whereas bones are connected to bonesby ligaments.Skeletal muscle is a form of striated muscle tissue which is under the control of the somatic nervous system ; that is to say, it is voluntarily controlled. It is one of three major muscle types, the others being cardiac and smooth muscle . As their name suggests, most skeletal muscles are attached to bones by bundles of collagen fibers known as tendons .