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Q: The average adult bladder is moderately full with?
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How much urine does a person produce in one exertion?

It all depends how many liquids you consumed, and how full your bladder is, not to mention how large your bladder is. But the average exertion for an adult with a full bladder is around 10 tablespoons. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on the person.

What is the cause of urine in 5 to 10 minutes in adult?

Full bladder.

How long is the average adult husky?

About 18 months to get up to full weight.

Why does a full bladder cause increased migraine or headache pain?

Why does a full bladder cause headaches

Why cant you pee when your bladder is full?

It should be easier to pee when your bladder is full because there is more pressure on your bladder. If you are having trouble peeing, see a doctor.

Does a renal Ultrasound require a FULL bladder?

The need for a full bladder for an ultra scan is that the urine creates a window for the beams to pass though. It also helps any technicians know where everything is, and a full bladder also pushes organs so they are easily spotted.

Is it better to have a full bladder with sonogram?

It depends from the examined area. For an ultrasound of your pelvic, bladder or kidneys, your bladder must be REALLY chock-full. Its rather uncomfortable, but neccessary ;)

Is a ureter were uren is stored?

No. Urine is stored in the bladder until the bladder is full. The ureters are the tubes that carry the urine from the kidneys to be stored in the bladder. And then when the bladder is full, the urine travels through the urethra to outside of the body.

Is it very uncomfortable to get an ultrasound with a full bladder?

Oh yes, trust me! You have to drink tons of water until your bladder is very, very full, then hold it in until the exam is over. Then the doc squirs some icecold gel just above your lower abdomen and pushes hard into your chock-full bladder. Some US require to hold in breath for a few seconds (and full bladder too)... Ultrasound with full bladder=Not fun!

What are the symptoms of female bladder problems and where can I go for more information about them?

More common symptoms are pain in the bladder if its full, you feel going to the bathroom frequently than normal, or you can't hold even if your bladder is not full but it feels like full.

How does a full bladder feel for boys?

A full bladder triggers an urgency to urinate. If you don't urinate within a reasonable amount of time, the bladder can overfill and backflow to the kidneys, which can cause serious problems.

How much does full grown African elephants weigh?

The average weight of an adult African forest elephant is 3 tons. The average weight of an adult African bush elephant is 6-1/2 tons.