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DNA opens up and each strand is used as a template for a new strand.

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Q: The cellular process of creating two new DNA molecules from one original copy is called replication Which statement is the BEST description of this process?
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What are the three steps of cellular metabolism?

The three steps of cellular metabolism are Replication, Transcription and Translation.

How many molecules does cellular respiration produce?

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What enables cellular components to copy themselves independent of DNA?

Replication enables cellular components to copy themselves independent of DNA.

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about 1200 kelvin energy released when one molecule of phosphate released from ATP to form ADP and this energy is used in forming bond between two poly nucleotide chain in replication.

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The products of cellular respiration are 6 molecules of carbon dioxide, 6 molecules of water, and a net gain of 36 ATP (energy).

What is the result of cellular respirations?

The result of cellular respiration is the gain of energy in the form of ATP molecules.

How do living things called Cells pass on genetic information?

This Cellular process is known as Replication.

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By me

How is energy released from food molecules?

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