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Genetic Drift

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Q: The evolutionary force that operates primarily through chance is?
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Is the evolutionary theory based on chance?

The theory of evolution by natural selection is not based on chance.

When chance changes in the gene pool of a small population is know as?

This is the evolutionary process known as genetic drift.

How can natural selection cause the appearance of a new species?

Evolution causes the appearance of a new species through mutations in exisiting lifeforms. Natural selection is the method through which species become greater or lesser in numbers. For example, if you have a bunch of blue butterflies and a bunch of brown butterflies in a forest that is primarily brown,green, and black, then the blue butterflies have a greater chance of being eaten by predators than the brown butterflies because the brown ones could camoflauge themselves next to a tree. The blue ones would decrease in numbers and not be the most "fit" for their environment due to this process of natural selection. Hope that rambling answer helped :)

The tiny male gametophyte of seed plants that produces sperm?

Yes, It is cool though because in seed plants the gametophyte is microscopic and remains in the sporophyte. It gains extra protection (UV light, Drying out ect) and nutrition. This increases the chance of survival when compared with the free living gametophytes of seedless plants. (awesome evolutionary step that lead to the increased probability of seed production)

How does chance play a role in evolution?

Evolution is caused by adaptations (favorable traits) that sometimes come from mutations. Mutations happen by chance, and this is how chance plays a role in evolution.

Related questions

Is the evolutionary theory based on chance?

The theory of evolution by natural selection is not based on chance.

What is the next evolutionary adaptation of the plants?

Evolutionary adaptations cannot be predicted. Flora and fauna adapt to changing circumstances and environments by chance, not by design.

What might be the evolutionary advantage of genes being interrupted by introns?

An intron is an area in the DNA that has not been translated into a protein. One evolutionary advantage of genes being interrupted by introns is that it reduces the occurrence of genetic mutations.

7 What are the evolutionary advantages achieved by the myelination of neurons?

Attack and escape. Myelinated neurons allow faster reflexes increasing chance of survival, which allows you to pass your genes on to your offspring.

How do you get on Facebook through the blockd site?

No, you can't. By any chance, do you mean accessing facebook through a proxy?

Can you trade haked Pokemon?

On a 1 in a million chance that it gets through

What process helps organism increases its chance of survival through?

* adaptation

What are Cons of tennis?

There is chance for injuries as I am going through right now.

What type of weather does Mexico get through the year?

spicy with a chance of burritos

Is there any chance to get HIV virus through blood contact through wounds or tattoos?

HIV's primary transmission method is through the blood.

When did Lucretius discover his theory?

Lucretius outlined his theory that the Universe operates by chance in his poem De rerum natura around 58 BC. This six poem is more commonly known as On the Nature of Things.

Can a male rottweiler mate with his mother?

Yes, and so can we. We and many animals don't normally do incest because there is a higher chance of expressing a bad recessive gene. Note that I said higher chance not always! Incest does not always cause deformities. Animals don't think about recessive genes when mating, but the offspring has a higher chance of not reaching the reproductive stage and is therefore discouraged from an evolutionary stand point.