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inherited variation

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Q: The fact that an organism's offspring are not identical is known as?
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Do male or female animals primarily care for their offspring?

The females do the rearing of the offspring. In fact, some male animals are known for eating their own offspring, like Lions. Males are usually highly aggressive to their offspring.

What must be rue for two organisms to be considered the same species?

They must be able to reproduce, and their offspring must be fertile as well. So technically, because ligers are in fact fertile, tigers and lions are one species, regardless of the fact we classify them as two.

What is an fact about seahorses?

Male seahorses carry the offspring, not the females.

What is ecological fitness?

It refers to the fact that poorly adapted organisms in a population die in greater numbers than those that are well adapted.When referring to a specific species, a species fitness is measured solely by the number of offspring that an individual has

What is a fact about living organisms?

They are all alive.

Who are clones fraternal twins or identical twins?

Identical twins, due to the fact that the one fertilized egg splits, have identical DNA. Fraternal twins, since they are from separate eggs, have different DNA.

The fact that all living organisms are made up of cells is a major part of the?

The fact that all living organisms are made up of cells is a major part of the?

Are plants are living organisms?

As a matter of fact,they are.

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How did Darwin explain the fact that only a small number of offspring of any species survive to reproduce?

Offspring must compete for available resources in order to survive

Pros and cons of atheistic evolution?

Atheism and Evolution are two different things that are often miscombined. Atheism is a belief or philosophy that there are no Deities. Evolution is a biological process whereby the structure and genetic code of organisms change over many generations, as particularly unsuccessful organisms die without offspring and particularly successful organisms are likely to have more offspring. The characteristics of the successful organism thus become the norm.There is no particular reason to link them, other than the fact that atheists are less likely to reject evolution on the basis of their philosophy.

Are humans typical organisms?

Humans are generally not considered typical organisms. In fact, humans are often considered unique organisms simply due to their complexity.