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Q: The female external genitalia are collectively known as the?
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Do hermaphrodites really have both genitalias?

Hermaphrodites, also known as intersex individuals, may have variations in genitalia that do not align with typical male or female characteristics. This can include having characteristics of both male and female genitalia, but the specific anatomy can vary widely among individuals. It's important to note that "hermaphrodite" is considered outdated terminology in the medical community, and more inclusive language like intersex is preferred.

What is swire syndrome?

Swyer syndrome, also known as 46,XY complete gonadal dysgenesis, is a rare genetic condition in which individuals with male chromosomes (XY) are born with female external genitalia. This is due to abnormalities in the development of the gonads, resulting in the absence of functional testes or ovaries. People with Swyer syndrome typically require hormone replacement therapy and may undergo surgery to address the lack of secondary sex characteristics.

Are the three small bones in the ear collectively known as the stirrup?

No, the three small bones in the ear are collectively known as the ossicles. The stirrup, or stapes, is one of the three ossicles, along with the malleus (hammer) and incus (anvil).

What are non-inflamed diverticula collectively known as?

Non-inflamed diverticula are collectively known as diverticulosis. These are small, bulging pouches that can develop in the lining of the digestive system, most commonly in the colon. Diverticulosis usually does not cause symptoms unless complications arise.

What is a flagina?

It appears there may be a spelling error in your question. There is no known term "flagina." If you meant "vagina," it is a muscular canal in female mammals that leads from the external genitals to the cervix of the uterus.

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What are the external organs of the female reproductive system?

The mammary glands are an external female reproductive organ.

Severe itching of the external female genitalia is known as?

Pruritus vulvae is the medical term for severe itching of the external female genitalia. It can be caused by various factors such as infections, skin conditions, allergies, or hormonal changes. Seeking medical evaluation is important to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

What is the medical term meaning male penis and testicles?

Collectively they are known as male genitals

What is a name for a baby deer?

Collectively, baby deer are known as fawns. A female is known as a doe, while a male is called a buck.

What is the group of external accessory organs that surround the opening of the urethra and the vagina?

The external structures that protect the vagina and the urethra are collectively known as the vulva. The vulva includes the labia minora and labia majora.

What is a woman called born with both sexes?

Any animal (including humans) born with both male & female genitalia is known as a hermaphrodite.

What are sodium lithium and rubidium collectively known as?

Lithium, sodium, potassium, rubidium and cesium are collectively known as the alkali metals.

What is a dogs vulva?

That is what you see on the outside if you look between her legs. It contain labia's and the clitoris, the vaginal entrance and the urethral entrance. Many calls it the vagina but itś the inside that is called the vagina.

Why are women cut in some cultures?

This is female circumcision also known as female genital mutilation. This is a ritual when some or all of the external female genitalia is removed. The practice is found in Africa, Asia, and Middle East as a way to control women's sexuality. It is thought to ensure virginity before marriage and fidelity after and to increase male sexual pleasure. Often the girls/women are mutilated in the process and the instruments used are things like broken glass or a knife.

What chromosomes do Guevodoces have?

Guevodoces, individuals with a condition known as 5-alpha reductase deficiency, typically have XY chromosomes. They are born appearing female due to a lack of male hormones in utero, but at puberty, they undergo physical changes due to an increase in testosterone production.

What are the colours of the rainbow collectively known as?

There are seven colors in the rainbow. They are collectively known as ROY G BIV, which is shortened for the color names.

It is lined with mucous membrane and connets the intenal parts to the external parts of female reproductive system?

That would be the birth canal, otherwise known as the vagina. The external parts are called the vulva.