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Q: The genetic material appearing like a thread in the nucleus is known as?
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What is the genetic material inside a cell's nucleus?


What is the genetic material in eukaryotes?

The nucleus holds the cells genetic material in eukaryotes. The genome of eukaryotes is sequestered to a membrane bound organelle called the nucleus. The nucleus is the site of replication and transcription.

What are long thread like genetic material that can not be seen with the eye or microscope?

Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA.

When the cell is not dividing the genetic material is loosely dispersed throughout the nucleus in a threadlike form called?

are densely staining, roughly spherical bodies composed of RNA and protein

The genetic material of prokaryotes is?

The genetic material of a cell is actually the DNA (DeoxyriboNucleic Acid) molecule. In some types of cells this genetic material is packaged alongwith many other chemicals in the form of long thread-like structures called chromosomes and enclosed in a membrane-lined struture. This spherical structure is called nucleus and such cells are called eukaryotes. In other types of cells the genetic material is not enclosed in a nucleus but rather lies exposed to the cytoplasm of the cell. These are the prokaryotic cells of which bacteria are the prime examples. The cells of most higher forms of life (plants and animals) are eukaryotes.

What type of cell doesn't have a nucleus?

Prokaryotic organisms don't have a nucleus. And also bacteria do not have a nucleus they only have vacuoles as they are thread like material. All of the prokaryotic and archea cells don't have a nucleus. Only eukaryotic cells have a nucleus.

What is a cromizones?

A chromosome is a thread like structure of nucleic acids and protein found in the nucleus of living cells. It carries genetic information in the form of genes.

What is a genetic name?


How to fasten material with needle and thread?

You fasten material with needle and thread by sewing the material. In most cases, you will place one piece of material on top of another and then stitch the material together with the needle and thread.

What is a thread-like molecule in the nucleus composed of DNA?

A thread-like molecule in the nucleus composed of DNA is called a chromosome. Chromosomes carry the genetic information in the form of genes and are crucial for cell division and inheritance. Each species has a specific number of chromosomes, and in humans, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes.

What is chromatin materials?

In a cell which is not dividing,this DNA is present as part of chromatin material.

What is a long thread of genetic information?
