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Q: The inheritance pattern in which a single allele is responsible for a variety of traits?
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What is the multiple allele pattern of inheritance?

TT Tt tt

What describes a pattern of inheritance in which one allele is only partially dominant?


What is A pattern of inheritance in which neither allele is phenotypically dominant to the other?

incomplete dominance

Is an inheritance pattern in which neither allele for a trait dominates the other?

Incomplete Dominance

What is red green color blindness mutation pattern?

what type of mutation is caused by red green color blindness?

What does a genetic counselor construct to show the inheritance pattern of a genetic disorder within a family?

Its a pedigree. A pedigree shows the inheritance of a genetic disorder within a family and can help to determine the inheritance pattern and whether any particular individual has an allele for that disorder.

ABO blood group expression is an example of?

multiple allele inheritance.

What is an example of multiple alleles?

blood type is an examples of multiple-allele inheritance.

Is recessive the process in which DNA changes to form new alleles?

No, recessive traits refer to the inheritance pattern of the allele. In the simple case where a trait is either expressed or not, if it is a recessive trait it will only be the expressed phenotype when it is homozygous. Dominant allele phenotypes will show if the genotype is heterozygous.

What does The presence of an allele for purple flowers will mask the presence of an allele for white flowers mean?

Gene responsible for purple color is dominant over white color.

What is Unit of inheritance present on the chromosome is called?

The unit of heredity found on a chromosome is called a gene.

The inheritance of Marfan syndrome is an example of?

The "autosomal dominant" method of inheritance. if your question as Marfan syndrome is the result of inheriting a single allele. Individuals with Marfan syndrome are tall and long-limbed, and have both cardiovascular and eye defects. The inheritance of Marfan syndrome is an example of ______. then the answer is pleiotropy