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The patella is not connected directly with another bone, (its not a bone to bone connection), but it does connect via ligaments. It connects to the femur and the tibia of the leg bones

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The metatarsals are located in the feet and are in between the tarsals and phalanges.

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Distinguish between tendons and ligament?

Tendons join muscles to bones in the body, whereas ligaments join bones to each other. The term ligament is also used loosely in medical anatomy to mean various types of suspensory structures, such as the broad ligament of the uterus which isn't really a ligament at all, rather a double-fold of the peritoneum.

The radius bone connects with what other bones?

Femur connects to your pelvic girdle, more specifically in the pelvic girdle is the pelvis and in the acetabulum ( this forms hip joint). And it connects to the tibia and fibula to from knee joint.

What bones connect at the coronal suture?

The parietal bone and occipital bone are connected by the lambdoid suturethe occipital, parietal and temporal bonesWikipedia says: The lambdoid suture (or lambdoidal suture) is a dense, fibrous connective tissue joint on the posterior aspect of the skull that connects the parietal and temporal bones with the occipital bone.The Lambdiod suture connects the occipital bone to the parietal bones and the mastoid part of the temporal bone.The lambdoid suture joins the occipital bone to the parietal bones.occipital and parietal bonesLambdoid suture(s): separates the parietal bones and the occipital bone; it arches across the back of the skull ending bilateral where the parietal and occipital bones meets the temporal bone.occipital and parietal bone

What bone connects the breastbone to each shoulder bone?

The breast bone is actually between the breast and is called the sternum. The bones beneath the breast are the ribcage

The tough fibrous connective tissue covering of a bone?

Ligaments connect bones to bones and the very same tissue called tendons connect bones to muscles. I remember this by saying to myself that the Achilles' tendon connects the gastrocnemius and the soleus to the calcaneus (heel bone).