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systolic pressure

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Q: The maximum pressure achieved during ventricular contraction is called what?
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How do you do an isometric contraction?

An isometric contraction is when your muscles contract but there is no movement. To do one you just need to apply a force to an immovable object. In the strength training sense it is done typically using a power rack or weight lifting cage. The isometric contraction is done typically at the most difficult point of a isotonic lift and is held for 8-12 seconds at maximum exertion. The support pins of the power rack are set at the desired height and a steel bar is then pushed against them to perform the isometric contraction.

What is the normal blood pressure level in human body?

Blood pressure (BP) is the pressure exerted by circulating blood upon the walls of blood vessels, and is one of the principal vital signs.When used without further specification, "blood pressure" usually refers to the arterial pressure of the systemic circulation.During each heartbeat, blood pressure varies between a maximum and a minimum pressure.The blood pressure in the circulation is principally due to the pumping action of the heart.Differences in mean blood pressure are responsible for blood flow from one location to another in the circulation. The rate of mean blood flow depends on the resistance to flow presented by the blood vessels.Gravity affects blood pressure via hydrostatic forces (e.g., during standing), and valves in veins, breathing, and pumping from contraction of skeletal muscles also influence blood pressure in veins.A person's blood pressure is usually expressed in terms of the maximum pressure over the minimum pressure and is measured in millimeters of mercury (mm-Hg), for example 120/80.Various factors, such as age and sex, influence a person's average blood pressure and variations in it. In children, the normal ranges are lower than for adults and depend on height. As adults age, the maximum pressure tends to rise and the minimum pressure tends to fall.In the elderly, blood pressure tends to be above the normal adult range, largely because of reduced flexibility of the arteries. Also, an individual's blood pressure varies with exercise, emotional reactions, sleep, digestion, and time of day.

How long does the AV node delay the signal from the SA node?

The AV node delays the signal from the SA node, till the contraction of the atria is over. The delay period is about 0.1 second. The maximum limit for normal PR interval is 0.2 seconds.

Where does Maximum formation of RNA occurs?

maximum formation of rna occurs in

What occurs when molecules of one substance are spread evenly throughout another substance?

Diffusion; to spread out evenly into water or airmolecules spread out from area of HIGH conc to area of LOW consuntil spread out evenlyEquilibrium : balance achieved between forces causing the stuff to spreadheat usually, hotter gives faster diffusionConcentration Gradient: gradual change in the amount of material dissolvedspread from higher to lower until evenly diffused

Related questions

What does the systolic readings mean?

The blood pressure when the heart is contracting. It is specifically the maximum arterial pressure during contraction of the left ventricle of the heart. The time at which ventricular contraction occurs is called systole. In a blood pressure reading, the systolic pressure is typically the first number recorded. For example, with a blood pressure of 120/80 ("120 over 80"), the systolic pressure is 120. By "120" is meant 120 mm Hg (millimeters of mercury).

What produces pressure?

Systolic pressure is the maximum pressure during the hearts pumping cycle. It occurs during left ventricle contraction or sqeezing which forces the blood around the arteries

What produces systolic pressure?

Systolic pressure is the maximum pressure during the hearts pumping cycle. It occurs during left ventricle contraction or sqeezing which forces the blood around the arteries

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When the maximum pressure of the refrigerant is achieved in the condensor and the maximum temperature differential is acheived between the condensor coil and the surrounding medium. (air, water, or other)

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Maximum temperature is 16000C

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When are maximum cardiovascular benefits achieved in terms of frequency?

coz fIcIuIkIiInIg

How much does a muscle contract?

It's maximum contraction is about one third of its resting length.

Does 125 represent a maximum or minimum systolic pressure at age 30?

It is not the maximum systolic pressure, but if close to that point.

What do the 2 numbers of blood pressure represent?

The top number is the Systolic pressure. The bottom number is the Diastolic pressure. The top number is the force that the blood puts against the artery walls as the heart pumps. The bottom number is the pressure against the artery walls as the heart rests in between beats.

How optimum resting length of a muscle will result in maximum force of a contraction?

Due to starling law,