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Interphase is the metabolic or growth phase of a cell life cycle. The cell spend most of their life in this cycle preparing for cellular division.

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Interphase of cell division

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Q: The metabolic or growth phase of a cell life cycle is called?
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What is the period of cell life when cell doesn't divide?

Interphase is:1. "The metabolic stage in the cell cycle during which the cell is not dividing."2. "The interval between two successive cell divisions, during which the chromosomes are not individually distinguishable. The long stage in the cell cycle between successive meioses."ok, im Alice. go on, it is WAY better. or even Gogogle. can be wrong. once i go a F on an assignment that i got my answers from here. good luck, goodbye, best wishesAlice

What happens during G1 phase S phase and G2 phase of the cell cycle?

The G1 phase is mainly a period of growth and development for the cell. The G2 phase follows the S phase (where DNA is replicated) and is the final phase of Interphase. In the G2 phase, the final preparations are made for mitosis as the cell copies the rest of its organelles.

Together, the G1 phase, S phase, and G2 phase are called?

Interphase and its is also the longest phase for the cell cycle.

What is the stage where bacteria grows rapidly?

Under ideal conditions, the growth of a population of bacteria occurs in several stages termed lag, log, stationary, and death.During the lag phase, active metabolic activity occurs involving synthesis of DNA and enzymes, but no growth.Geometric population growth occurs during the log, or exponential phase, when metabolic activity is most intense..Following the log phase, the growth rate slows and the production of new cells equals the rate of cell death. This period, known as the stationary phase, involves the establishment of an equilibrium in population numbers and a slowing of the metabolic activities of individual cells. The stationary phase reflects a change in growing condition—for example, a lack of nutrients and/or the accumulation of waste products.When the rate of cell deaths exceeds the number of new cells formed, the population equilibrium shifts to a net reduction in numbers and the population enters the death phase, or logarithmic decline phase. The population may diminish until only a few cells remain, or the population may die out entirely.

The initiation of the s phase and the m phase of the sell cycle depends on a pair of biochemicals called?

Cdk's and cyclin

Related questions

What is the first stage of growth in plants?

The other name for the first growth phase is called the G1 phase.

What phase of the Cell cycle will daughter Cells enter?

They enter and embark upon the portion of the Cell cycle that is called Growth [G] Phase.

What phase is the growth phase?

The other name for the first growth phase is called the G1 phase.

What is the first growth phase?

The other name for the first growth phase is called the G1 phase.

What is first growth (G1) phase?

The other name for the first growth phase is called the G1 phase.

What describes the transition from one phase to another in the business cycle?

The transition from phase to phase is described in terms of the rate of growth of the economy.

What is an instruction phase together with the execution phase called?

The instruction phase together with the execution phase is called a "Machine Cycle".

What is the time before the cell cycle where the cell is performing its normal functions and beings to get ready to divide?

The time before the cell cycle where the cell is performing its normal functions and preparing to divide is known as the interphase. During interphase, the cell undergoes growth, replicates its DNA, and carries out its usual metabolic activities. Interphase is divided into three stages: G1 phase, S phase, and G2 phase.

How are chromosomes copied?

through DNA synthesis in the S phase of the growth cycle

During what phase of a cells cycle does growth occur?

Interphase - G1 specifically.

What is the definition of G1 phase?

the first growth phase of the cell cycle consisting of the portion of Inter phase before DNA synthesis begin.

What is the phase called in the cell cycle when centromeres divide?

It is the Ana Phase. It is the shortest phase