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The mutated gene in Barth syndrome is tafazzin, and when this gene is defective it causes a loss or change in the biomolecule called cardiolipin. Cardiolipin is a phospholipid found in the mitochondria.

Matthew J. Toth

Science Director

Barth Syndrome Foundation, Inc.

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1mo ago

People with Barth Syndrome have mutations in the TAZ gene, which leads to impaired production of cardiolipin, a key biomolecule found in the inner mitochondrial membrane. This loss of cardiolipin affects the proper functioning of mitochondria, leading to the symptoms of Barth Syndrome.

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Q: The mitochondria do not function properly in people with Barth Syndrome because the mutated gene alerts or inhabits the production of what biomolecule?
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What is the primary function of the Mitochondria?

The primary function of the mitochondria is to produce energy in the form of ATP through the process of cellular respiration. Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell due to their role in generating energy for cellular activities.

Abnormal mitochondria are likely to be correlaated with a disturbance of what in the cell?

Abnormal mitochondria are likely to be correlated with a disturbance in cellular energy production, as the mitochondria play a key role in generating energy in the form of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation. When mitochondria are dysfunctional, it can lead to a decrease in ATP production and various cellular processes may be affected, causing issues in cell function and overall health.

Which is not a function of the endomembrane system of the cell?

In your cell, this is where the endomembrane system comes in a cell image because one is studded with small ribosomes and one is not.

Where are cellular respiration and the production of cellular energy carried out in a cell?

Cellular respiration and the production of cellular energy occur in the mitochondria of a cell. The process involves breaking down glucose to create ATP, the cell's main source of energy. Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell due to their role in generating energy.

Which is NOT a correct association of cell organelles and function?

Cytosol - energy production. Cytosol is the gel-like fluid that fills the cell and is where most cellular activities occur. It is not specifically responsible for the production of energy; that function is typically associated with organelles such as mitochondria or chloroplasts.

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The functions of mitochondria are quite diverse and mainly include production of energy of the body. Cellular metabolic activities are facilitated by mitochondria.

What will happen if a cells mitochondria does not function properly?

Energy production will be stopped. So it will malfunction

What the function of mitocondria?

Mitochondria provide energy to cells and provide the location for the production of ATP.

What is the function of the mitocondria?

Mitochondria provide energy to cells and provide the location for the production of ATP.

What is the primary function of the Mitochondria?

The primary function of the mitochondria is to produce energy in the form of ATP through the process of cellular respiration. Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of the cell due to their role in generating energy for cellular activities.

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What would happen to an organism if the mitochondria in its cell did not respond to the nucleus?

If the mitochondria in a cell are not responding to signals from the nucleus, it can disrupt the coordination required for mitochondrial functions such as energy production, regulation of metabolism, and cell signaling. This can lead to a decrease in energy production, disruption of cellular activities, and possibly cell death.

How can the number of mitochondria in a cell decide its function?

The number of mitochondria in a cell can influence its function by providing more energy for cellular activities. Cells with higher energy demands, like muscle cells, tend to have more mitochondria to support energy production through aerobic respiration. Conversely, cells with lower energy needs, like skin cells, may have fewer mitochondria.