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parietal pleura: visceral pleura

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Q: The most superficial wall of the pleural cavity is lined with what?
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Excessive fluid in the pleural cavity surrounding lung would be most likely to cause?

increased residual volume

Are the most fibrous joints joined by joint cavity?

Synovial joints have a fibrous articular capsule lined with synovial membrane surrounding a joint cavity.

Diseases in lung which involves liquid in the pleural cavity?

pneumonia, breast cancer, lung cancer and emphysema. The most common one is congestive heart failure.

What are the most superficial muscles in the lower leg?

Gastrocnemius is the most superficial muscle.

The most superficial tissue around the brain?

Your meninges are the most superficial tissues that surround your brain. The most superficial layer of the meninges is called Dura Mater.

I have a cavity between my front two teeth what is the best solution and how much will it cost?

The best thing to do is get a filling. This will prevent further decay, which is what a cavity is, in the tooth. Since it is in your front teeth, it will most likely be a superficial filling with minimal drilling, so there is nothing to worry about. A normal price for a filling without insurance usually costs $150-$175. Get that cavity out as soon as possible!

What is the superficial layers of skin?

The Stratum Corneum is the most superficial layer of skin.

What is the function of the pleural membranes?

The pleura is a slick, wet, shiny membrane. It is the outer most layer of tissue surrounding the lungs and also the inner most layer of tissue coating the chest wall. The pleura provide well lubricated surfaces of the chest wall and lungs to contact each other with minimal friction during respiration.

Is biceps brachii a superficial or deep muscle?

it is the most superficial of the brachium muscles

What is the most common form of pleural biopsy?

The procedure most often performed for pleural biopsy is called a percutaneous (passage through the skin by needle puncture) needle biopsy.

Is the subaceous layer the most superficial?

No. The subcutaneous layer is under the epidermis. The word "superficial" can be defined as "outermost" for the purpose of describing skin layers, so the most superficial layer is the epidermis.

Which of the three spinal meninges is the most superficial?

The Dura Mater is the most superficial of the three spinal meninges.