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Q: The number of sister chromatids in a human body cell that is entering cell division is?
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What is nondisjuction?

Cell division in which the sister chromatids do not separate correctly, resulting in gametes with an abnormal number of chromosomes.

What is the failure of sister chromatids to separate during cell division?


What structure holds the sister chromatids to the spindle fibers?

Sister chromatids are held together by centromere and are attached to the spindle fibres by kinetochores during cell division.

Prior to cell division each chromosome replicates it genetic material The products are connected by a centromere and are called?

Sister chromatids

Which cellular organelle is involved in the division of the sister chromatids during mitosis?


Which molecules is critical for the proper separation of sister chromatids?

The molecule critical for the proper separation of sister chromatids is called cohesin. Cohesin is a protein complex that holds the sister chromatids together during cell division. It helps ensure that the sister chromatids are accurately and evenly separated into two daughter cells.

When chromosome become visible at the beginning of cell division what does each chromosome consist of?

each chromosome consists of two identical "sister" chromatids

Mitosis is cell division in which the chromosome number is what?

Mitosis is cell division in which the chromosome number stays the same. Although at some points throughout the cell cycle, chromosomes may consist of two sister chromatids

A duplicated chromosome consists of two?

Two sister-chromatids.Each chromatid consists of a molecule of DNA together with associated proteins. There are two DNA molecules (sister-chromatids) following the replication of DNA midway through the preceding interphase. The sister-chromatids are therefore genetically identical.chromatidschromatidsThe two identical joined chromosomes before cell division begins is called sister chromatids.

Which term describes two recently replicated DNA strands that are joined together just before cell division?

The term that describes two recently replicated DNA strands that are joined together just before cell division is "sister chromatids." Each sister chromatid is an identical copy of the original DNA molecule and is held together at a region called the centromere. During cell division, the sister chromatids separate and are distributed to the daughter cells.

What is it when sister chromatids separate?

the phase of mitosis where chromatids separate is called anaphase. when the chromatids separate, they are no longer called chromatids, but are called chromosomes again. The goal of mitosis is to assure that one copy of each sister chromatid - and only one copy - goes to each daughter cell after cell division.

What is the connector for sister chromatids?

Centromere connects the sister Chromatids