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the inabitilty to maintain homeostasis

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Q: The presence of parasites in an animal will usually result in?
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What will the presence of parasites result in?

death 24 owwas!

Why did god create nits?

Nits are the eggs of lice, which are a type of parasite that can infest human hair. The presence of nits is not a deliberate creation by a deity but rather a result of the natural life cycle and behavior of these parasites.

What happen if you take animal blood and drink it?

Drinking animal blood can introduce harmful bacteria and pathogens into your body, leading to infections and illnesses. It can also result in an imbalance of nutrients in your system, potentially causing complications. Consuming raw animal blood can also expose you to parasites that can be dangerous to your health.

What are the lives of parasites supported by?

You worded your question pretty confusingly.Parasites live off the host that they are infecting, so technically the parasites are begins supported by the host itself. The role of the parasites are to infect a suitable host and start eating their energy up. That could result in the death of the host, when the population of the parasites grow.partnershostsholderscarriers

Why you shouldn't keep a exotic animal?

They are called exotic because they are usually untrained and sometimes deadly, this can result in causing serious harm to the owners and anyone who comes in contact with the animal. Exotic animals are not usually recommended for people with children.

Why does silver nitrate test provide negative result on the presence of a chloride ion?

Due to presence of chloride ion

What is the deadleist animal in the world?

Mosquito, Most skeeter bites just make you itch. But some mosquitoes carry and transfer malaria causing parasites. As a result, these little pests are responsible for the deaths of more than two million people a year.

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1903 buffalo nickel?

Terse questions usually result in terse answers: there ain't no such animal. The first buffalo nickels were minted in 1913.

What is the positive result in barfoed's test?

It is positive if there is a presence of red precipitate!

What was the result of the presence of french traders and explorers in the great lakes region during the seventeenth century?

A devastating series of wars erupted among tribes vying for the opportunity to trade animal skins for European-manufactured goods.

What is haemozoin?

It is a pigment that contains iron. When it accumulates it becomes granules in malaria parasites. This pigment is the bad result made by hemoglobin.