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Selective permeability

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Q: The property of only allowing certain substances to move through it?
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What is semiperable?

allowing certain substances to pass through it but not others, esp. allowing the passage of a solvent but not of certain solutes. Ex. Cell Membrane

What term describes a cell membrane's ability to let substances through?

Permeable desrcibes allowing substances through. Permeability would describe the ability to let substances through. Cell membranes can be selectively permeable or semi - permeable.

What property does the cell membrane have?

The cell membrane is selectively permeable, meaning it allows certain substances to pass through while restricting others. It acts as a barrier that controls the movement of molecules and ions in and out of the cell. Additionally, the cell membrane is flexible and can change shape, allowing the cell to move and respond to its environment.

What does permrable mean?

The membrane only lets certain substances pass through.

A membrane that allows only certain substances to pass through is a?

A permeable membrane

Does a permeable membrane will let substances pass through it?

Yes it does permeable membranes are membranes that allows all substances to pass through.

What are membranes that allow only certain substances to pass through them?

Semi permeable membranes.

What does a selectively permeable membrane do?

A selectively permeable membrane allows some substances through it and does not allow others.Allows certain substances to pass but not others

What is the purpose of using spectroscope?

to evaluate the effects on a beam of light when it is passed through certain substances.

What does it mean to say most biological membranes are selectively permeable?

Selectively permeability is a property of biological membranes that allows them to regulate the passage of substances across them. In spite of heavy traffic through them, cell membranes are selectively permeable, and substances do not cross the barrier indiscriminately.

What do you call a membrane that only allows certain substances to pass through it?

semipermeable membrane

What is semi permeable?

I semi-permeable membrane is a membrane when only certain substances can pass through is a membrane that will only allow certain molecules through it . in general oxygen , food and water are allowed to enter ; waste products are allowed to exit and harmful substances are kept out. hope this helps.