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chemiosmosis is one of the processes that produces ATP. this happens in the inner membrane of the mitochondria

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Q: The relationship between ATP synthase and Chemiosmosis?
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Which of the following couples chemiosmosis to energy storage?

ATP synthase couples chemiosmosis to energy storage.

What protein is involved in chemiosmosis?

ATP synthase

What couples chemiosmosis to energy storage ATP synthase cytochromes FADH2 NADH or electron transport?

ATP synthase couples chemiosmosis to energy storage.

What protein enzyme is involved in chemiosmosis?

ATP synthase

What is the relationship between chemiosmosis and ATP formation?

chemiosmosis is one of the processes that produces ATP. this happens in the inner membrane of the mitochondria.

The process that relies on a concentration gradient of protons?

Chemiosmosis, the diffusion of hydrogen ions on a selectively permeable membrane.

How is most most of the ATP from aerobic respiration produced?

The majority of ATP is produced in oxidative phosphorylation. This process has two main components, the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis. Chemiosmosis is a process where hydrogen ions act like water threw a turbine pushing ATP synthase.

What happens during chemiosmosis?

ATP is the product of the process known as chemiosmosis! =]

What drives the ATP synthase reactions that produced ATP?

The proton gradient produced by the electron transport chain powers ATP production. This process is called chemiosmosis, in which H+ ions from the thylakoid space (in mitochondria they are in the intermembrane space) pass through ATP synthase to areas of lower concentration (in chloroplasts, the stroma, and in mitochondria, the mitochondrial matrix). As they pass through ATP synthase, the catalytic knob of the ATP synthase is turned. The turning of this knob (which is powered by diffusion of H+ ions) powers the anabolic production of ATP.

What is the difference between ATPase and ATP synthase?

They both are enzymes related to ATP. The difference lies in that ATPase breaks down ATP while ATP synthase synthesizes ATP.

How does ATP synthase produce ATP-?

Hydrogen ions flow back down their gradient through a channel in an ATP synthase. The ATP synthase harnesses the proton-motive force to phosphorylate ADP, forming ATP.Read more: How_does_chemiosmosis_produce_ATP

What is the name of the enzyme that carries out chemiosmosis?

ATP synthase "Synth" refers to "synthesis," which is a process that combines elements (in this case ADP and free phosphates) into a whole (ATP). "Ase" is the most common suffix of enzymes.