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Q: These form the cell membrane by lining up tails-to-tails in a double row?
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What do the cell membrane and the nuclear membrane have in common?

They are both double membraned / a double unit membrane

Iron in mucosa cell of intestinal membrane lining is attached to?

a carrier

These form the cell membrane by lining up tail-to-tail in a double row?

The cell membrane is formed from a phospholipid bilayer, with the hydrophobic lipid portions (the tails) on the inner portion and the hydrophilic portion of the phospholipid (the heads) facing the inner and outer surfaces. There are also proteins in the cell membranes.

The cell membrane is made of a double layer of?

The cell membrane is semi-permeable controlling the movement of substances in and out of the cell. It contains a phospholipid bilayer consisting of hydrophobic tails and hydrophilic heads. Also contained in the cell membrane are transport proteins.

How doe the membrane of the cell differ from the cell nuclear membrane?

cell membrane is single whereas the nuclear membrane is double, hence it is also called nuclear envelop.

What is a single cell layer of epithelium that forms the lining of serous membrane?

simple squamous

What form the cell membrane by lining up tails to tails in a double row?

I think you're thinking of lipids, the things with the hydrophobic tail and the hydrophillic head? I think that's it.

What is the nucleare membrane?

The double membrane which surrounds the nucleus of a Eukaryotic cell.

Does a cell membrane have a double plasma membrane?

The plasma membrane is a bi-layer, so yes.

What is the difference between a cell membrane and nucleus?

A cell membrane lets nutrients into the cell. The nucleus is like the brain of the cell.

What part of a cell is surrounded by a double membrane with pores?

Cell wall

Thin double layered sheet around the cell?

cell membrane