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why are you all so dumb it's the ribosomes. jk a lot of you are smart for using this site

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Q: This is an organelle that puts together proteins for the cell?
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Puts the finishing touches on and packages the protein for export from the cell?

The Golgi apparatus puts the finishing touches on and packages proteins for secretion by the cell.

Made of RNA and proteins what puts together amino acids to make proteins?

ribosomal RNA

What assembles proteins by coded instructions?

Protein synthesis occurs at the ribosomes.

What organelle puts the finishing touches on protein?

golgi body

What functions as a factory to produce proteins in a cell?

i would say good sir *coughs* *adjusts tie* *puts on sunglasses* whispers:Your mother *rides into sunset on a unicorn*

What is something that puts together protein?

Amino acids chemically combine to make proteins. The amino acids combine through the formation of peptide bonds between them.

What puts together components to make a product?

The assembly process puts components together to make a product.

Which cell organelle puts amino acids together in a specific order to make proteins?

This would be the function of the ribosomes. The ribosome assembles amino acids into proteins. Ribosomes are small structures made of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and protein. (RNA is a molecule similar in structure to DNA.) When cells need to make proteins, they copy the instructions for the protein from the DNA of the cell by making a molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA). The mRNA travels to the ribosomes in the cytoplasm of the cell. Another type of RNA molecule, called transfer RNA (tRNA) brings amino acids to the ribosome. The tRNA molecules decode the mRNA by binding to it, so that the tRNAs bring in the correct amino acids according to the instructions in the mRNA. The ribosome helps keep this whole process organized and helps form the bonds between the amino acids to create a chain of amino acids. A chain of amino acids is called a polypeptide chain. Polypeptide chains fold up to form proteins.

Is DNA a type of enzyme that puts together amino acid to make a protein?

DNA is not an enzyme. DNA does not make proteins. tRNA translates DNA into RNA. mRNA moves the RNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm (only in eukaryotes, prokaryotes do not have a nucleus). mRNA is then translated by tRNA. tRNA puts the nucleotides together to form a peptide chain that refolds and becomes a protein.

What does the Golgi complex in animal cells do?

Put a marker on proteins to direct them to the right location. Therefore, the Golgi puts special glykoproteins on proteins or cleaves signal sequences off the protein.

Who puts machinery back together?

a mechanic

What creates ribosomes that are found inside the cell?

The nucleolus creates ribosomes out of rRNA and puts them into the rough endoplasmic reticulum to recieve mRNA to decode (with the help of tRNA) and make proteins from the amino acids (provided by tRNA) coded in mRNA.