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The components of the new virus actually assemble them selves through a complex process called "Self Assembly"

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true :)

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True ;-)

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Q: True of false when a virus is active the cell makes the virus's proteins and genetic material and new viruses are made?
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How does an active virus multiply?

Once inside a cell, a virus's genetic material takes over of the cell's functions. It instructs the cell to produce the virus's proteins and genetic material. These proteins and genetic material then assemble into new viruses.

How do hidden viruses multiply?

1. A virus attaches to a bacterium. 2. The virus injects its genetic material. 3. The genetic material of the virus combines with the bacterium's genetic material. 4. The virus's genetic material detaches from the bacterium's genetic material and the bacterium produces the virus's proteins and genetic material. 5. New viruses assemble. 6. The bacterium bursts open, releasing new viruses.

What is the part of the cell that viruses invade?

Viruses can infect animals, plants and bacteria, and the attachments vary. In animal viruses: Animal cells have a cell membrane. Viruses attach to certain proteins in that membrane. In plant viruses: Plants can also be infected with viruses. Since they have cell walls, viruses attach to those when infecting plants. In bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria): Special viruses called bacteriophages attach to the cell walls of bacteria by way of proteins.

What is active disease?

An "active virus" is when a virus enters a cell and is active, it causes the host cell to make new viruses. This process destroys the host cell. The steps are first, the virus attach's to a host cell. Second, the virus's hereditary material enters the host cell. Third, the virus's hereditary material causes the cell to make viral hereditary material and proteins. Fourth, new viruses from inside the host cell. Fifth, new viruses are released as the host cell bursts open and is destroyed. There are five steps on how a active virus functions inside a cell.

Additional steps that occur when a hidden virus multiplies?

The virus's genetic material becomes part of the genetic material of the bacterium And After some time he virus's genetic material removes itself and becomes active

What is Active Phase?

S phase of a cell cycle is The replication phase of a cell... genetic material replicates

What is a bioaerosol?

A bioaerosol is an aerosol containing biologically active bacteria, spores, viruses and toxins, and other similar material.

What are the medicinal properties of mirabilis jalapa?

kill viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. This plant has many active compounds like triterpenes, proteins, flavonoids, alkaloids, and steroids. A group of amino acid-based proteins called MAPs protect against plant viruses.

Is the Swine Flu living or nonliving?

Viruses do not possess "life" and do not "die," they only become active or become inert. Swine flu is caused by sub-microscopic organisms called viruses. Viruses are not exactly living organisms, even though they have many of the same qualities and abilities. They are particles composed of chemicals, proteins, some fats and pieces of genetic materials (DNA/RNA) that have the ability to chemically and physically attach to the living cells of a host (plant, animal, human, bacteria, etc.) and infect the cells with their own genetic material. That causes the host cell to stop doing what it normally does and start using its energy and materials to create replicas of the virus so it can spread.

How is the structure of a virus different from every other organism?

The viruses are not living in simple condition,but when they get host cell or host organism they come in alive form and be active & reproduce.The viruses contain strong coated wall around them made of proteins called "Capsid"which is very difficult to destroy.This Capsid contains special materials which penetrates the host cell's wall and make RNA or DNA(genetic material) of viruses entered in host cell.Different types of viruses contains different type of Capsids and it is very difficult to deal with them.Note:- Some bacterium contain "Restriction enzymes" which stops duplication of viral genes and thus make viruses ineffective to them.

Why are lipophilic viruses easier to kill?

Lipophilic viruses require the lipid (fatty) envelope to remain active ("live"*), and the fatty layer can be destroyed by alcohol. Non-lipophilic viruses do not require this fatty envelope, and the protein layer (capsid) is more resistant to alcohol. *Note: viruses are not actually alive, they are only genetic codes with 1 or 2 (lipophilic) protective layers. Biologists call "live" viruses *active* and "dead" viruses *inactive* or *inactivated*.

How is the Swine Flu an example of a living organism?

It is not an example. Swine flu is caused by sub-microscopic organisms called viruses. Viruses are not exactly living organisms, even though they have many of the same qualities and abilities. They are particles composed of chemicals, proteins, some fats and pieces of genetic materials (DNA/RNA) that have the ability to chemically and physically attach to the living cells of a host (plant, animal, human, bacteria, etc.) and infect the cells with their own genetic material. That causes the host cell to stop doing what it normally does and start using its energy and materials to create replicas of the virus so it can spread. Viruses do not possess "life" and do not "die," they only become active or become inert.