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Turgor pressure is caused by water filling the plasma membrane and cell wall of plants, bacteria and some fungi. It pushes the plasma membrane against the cell wall to create the pressure.

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Q: Turgor pressure is caused by water filling what two things?
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Pain on the top of the head can be triggered by various factors, including tension headaches, migraines, stress, muscle tension, or scalp conditions like scalp acne or folliculitis. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional to identify the specific cause and receive appropriate treatment.

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The fluid pressure gradient in the lymphatic system is established by two things. The first is movements caused by breathing, and the second is contractions of the skeletal muscles.

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It can be an indication of many things--including simple stress. It can be caused by heart conditions, diabetes, etc.

What is the definItion of a filling machine?

A machine that fills things.

Where can one find liquid filling equipment?

Kinnek is a B2B marketplace where you can find liquid filling machines and suppliers, as well as guides and expert Q&A on filling machines. Before you purchase a filling machine there is few things you should consider - Determine first what are you filling. There are key variations of filling machines based on the type of product (and container) being filled - such as pills, powder, dry foods and carbonated products. If your product is carbonated (e.g. beer, champagne, soda), then you need a counter pressure filler. What type of container are you filling (e.g. glass or plastic)? How many bottles are you planning to fill per hour? This will help determine whether your bottle filler should be manual or automated. Ok, There are few things you should follow before you determine to purchase filling equipment. You can also try and look for their filling machine purchase guide.

What is the pressure of gas caused by?

Gas pressure is caused by gas molecules zipping around and bumping into things. These molecules have kinetic energy defined a 1/2 the mass times the velocity squared. Increasing temperature increases the speed that the molecules zip around - so the pressure increases (hot soda can for example has more pressure than a cold one).

What can cause a tub it leak when the tub is filling?

Lots of things

Does pressure in your lower abdominal mean I'm pregnant?

Not necessarily. Lower abdominal pressure can be caused by many other things, including overeating and constipation. If you believe there is a chance you may be pregnant, take a pregnancy test. If you are concerned about this abdominal pressure, consult your doctor.

How an inflated balloon gets larger whwn heated?

The temparature was higher and it caused more air pressure

What are some causes of high blood?

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, can be caused by various things. Age, weight, diet, stress and family history are several factors that can cause high blood pressure.