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Q: Two boats leave from the same dock traveling in opposite directions The first boat is traveling 25 mph and the second is traveling 29 mph How long will it take before they are 162 miles apart?
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If 2 cars pass each other going at 10cm oer second in opposite directions do they both have the same velocity?

not necessarily. 1 car might be doing 7cm per second, and the other 3cm per second (they will be traveling TOWARDS each other at 10cm per second)

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Net force: Add the forces algebraically. In this case, since they are in opposite directions, you subtract. Acceleration: Use Newton's Second Law: F = ma. Solving for a: a = F/m.

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At 180mph you are traveling at 264 feet per second.

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30 m/s The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2. So, after the 1st second, it is traveling 9.81 m/s. After the 2nd second, it is traveling 19.62 m/s. After the 3rd second, it is traveling about 30 m/s.

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The "C" stands for "Collider" For something to collide there has to be a second something moving in a different direction to collide with. The contents of the two beams moving in opposite directions collide.

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Poseidon is the Greek god of the oceans. Sailors prayed to him before traveling, and he is considered the second powerful of all gods.

How many feet per second do you have to be traveling to be going 55miles per hour?

You have to be traveling at about 80.67 feet per second.

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At 60 mph you are traveling at 88 feet per second.

A particle traveling through space is being accelerated by a 100 N force All of a sudden the particle encounters a second force of 100 N in the opposite direction of the first force With both force?

Your question makes no sense, so I will tell you what will happen. The two equal and opposing forces will cancel each other out, and the particle will continue traveling at the speed it was when the second force was applied in the same direction that it was already traveling.

To pass a truck a car initially traveling 25 meters per second accelerates at a constant rate of 3 meters per second squared after 6 seconds how fast is the car traveling?

That's easy, if the car is initially traveling at 25 meters per second and gradually accelerates 3 meters per second for 6 seconds then the car is traveling at 43 meters per second.

Jesse is traveling at a speed of 105 miles per hour - what is his speed in feet per second?

Jesse is traveling at 154 feet per second.