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A.tend to be inherited together.

B.will appear together in the gamete

C. are said to be linked

D. may be separated during crossing over

E. all of these

Answer is E all of theseE.all of theseE.all of these

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14y ago

Genes located on homologous chromosomes and affect the same trait are called alleles

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Q: Two genes located onHomologous chromosome and effect the same trate?
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Where in the chromosome are genes located?


The father apart two genes are located on a chromosome?

The farthest apart two genes are located on a chromosome the less likely they are to be inherited together. If two genes are on the same chromosome and rarely assort independently the genes are probably located close to each other.

What is it called when genes are located on the same chromosome?

Genes on the same chromosome are said to be linked.

What are located on chromosomes?

Genes are located within every chromosome.

What is a sex-linked genes?

It is a gene located on either sex chromosome (X or Y chromosome).

Two genes for two different traits located on the same chromosome are said to be?

linked genes

What are genes called that are located on sex chromosomes?

genes located on sex chromosomes are called sex-linked genes. In humans, there are two types of sex chromosomes: X and Y chromosomes.Genes located on the X chromosome are called X-linked and genes located on the Y chromosome are called Y-linked chromosomes.

A gene located on the X or Y chromosome is a?

Genes located on the X or Y chromosome are referred to as sex-linked genes. This is because the inheritance of these genes is dependent upon the sex of the individual. For example, only males can inherit genes located on the Y chromosome (because males have XY and females have XX).

A 0.1 percent frequency of recombination is observed?

In genes located very close to one another on the same chromosome.

All of the genes located on a given chromosome comprise a?

linkage group

The purpose of mapping the genes is to?

show where on a chromosome each gene is located.

What is the reason that linked genes are inherited together?

They are located close together on the same chromosome.