

Vegetative bodies of most fungi are?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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Most fungal vegetative bodies are made up of Hyphae....generally referred to as mycelium. The most obvious representaion of this is a mushroom, or the blue/green mold on your bread.

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Q: Vegetative bodies of most fungi are?
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Fungi reproduce in two ways. The first is through spores, which break loss and produce more on the surface they attach to. The second is asexually through vegetative growth.

Are fungi rare organisms?

No, all mushrooms are fungi and a lot of other stuff is too. In fact, fungi are common; more common than you realise because most fungi live underground, where they can't be seen. In general, only the 'fruiting bodies' appear above ground - mushrooms are the classic example. In some fungi even the fruiting bodies are below ground, the famous instance being truffles. To avoid confusion, the statement 'most fungi' means the average weight per acre of fungi is largely underground; that still leaves many species visible on tree trunks, dead logs or anything that will nourish a fungus and can't defend itself.