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The usual method of crucifixion by Romans was on a cross-shaped or T-shaped structure made from wood. This was the method by which Jesus was crucified. The most common form was an upright fixed into the ground which was tapered at the top. A cross bar, which was carried by the victim to the place of execution, had a rectangular hole made in it so that it could slide over the upright until it was wedged on, forming the traditional cross shape. The victim was nailed through the wrists onto the cross piece, and a further nail passed through his ankles which were turned so that the legs were twisted sideways and sligtly bent. The victim was stripped naked so this form of death was not only agonising in the extreme, but also shameful and was made to bring great dishonour to the victim and his family. In scripture there are a few verses which state that jesus was nailed to "the tree" but these display poetic licence as often a wooden cross, made from the trunk of a tree, was sometimes referred to as 'a tree' but it was a hewn, rectangular cross-section cross nevertheless.

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The Bible does not indicate the type. If the Bible doesn't identify it, anyone's guess is pure SPECULATION!!

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Q: Was Jesus crucified on a cross or a tree?
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What was the tree jesus was crucified on?

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Jesus was crucified on a wooden cross, not a tree. The cross was used as a method of execution by the Roman authorities at that time.

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no that would be a cross that you are thinking of. made out of a tree but a cross is vital in the christian easter.

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It would be more correct to say that Jesus died on a tree. He died on a cross.

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