

Were human teeth ever used as currency?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Q: Were human teeth ever used as currency?
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Our canine teeth are used for tearing and biting the food. They are very strong and they are either side of our front four teeth. They are used for breaking food down into smaller pierces, it is will be easilier to be digested.

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cuspids, or canines.

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EQ2 platinum is a type of currency like gold or silver. EQ stands for Ever Quest. Ever Quest is a fantasy game played online. EQ2 Platinum is used in this game to purchase of items and objects such as scrolls. The platinum currency is not real. It is fictional. It cannot be used in real life.

What was used before false teeth?

if people could afford it they wold have animal teeth, other human teeth from people who were already dead, or ocassionally wood

Is there a good substitute for human teeth that can be used for a science project if the school doesn't allow the use of human or animal teeth?

you could get some type of bone or antlers and shave them to the shape you want.

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Did it ever occur to you that he may have "brushed" his teeth? If you brush your teeth daily it will become white?? Maybe he used a whitner. He was rich enough to do so.

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¤ is the universal currency symbol. When used, it means currency.

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The currency used is Euro

What is the most expensive element in the world?

It depends on the currency that is used to value it. If the currency was human lives, then I would say that more people have died for gold than any other element.