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Heat and Humidity are your worst enemies in perserving blood.

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Q: What 2 enviromental factors are most important to consider in preserving blood evidence?
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What should writer consider when gathering evidence?

When gathering evidence, a writer should consider the credibility of the sources, the relevance of the information to the topic at hand, and the diversity of perspectives to present a well-rounded argument. It is also important to critically analyze the evidence to ensure it supports the writer's claims effectively.

How do you determine important textual evidence?

To determine important textual evidence, consider the relevance of the information to the main themes or arguments of the text. Look for evidence that supports key ideas, provides context, or helps develop the overall message. Focus on evidence that is directly related to the purpose of your analysis or the questions you are trying to answer.

Which should writers consider when gathering evidence?

When gathering evidence, writers should consider the credibility of their sources, the relevance of the evidence to their argument, and the balance of different perspectives to ensure a well-rounded presentation. It is important to prioritize quality over quantity and to critically evaluate the information gathered to support a strong and convincing argument.

What is an affect perseverance?

An affect perseverance is the effect of an individual preserving affects of his or her personality even when presented with contradictory evidence that it does exist.

Why is a brown paper bag better for preserving evidence than a plastic bag?

Because paper disintegrates faster than plastic

What is a person who collects evidence to a solve crime?

That person is called a forensic investigator or a crime scene investigator. They are responsible for collecting, analyzing, and preserving physical evidence from crime scenes in order to help solve crimes and provide evidence for legal proceedings.

How do criminologists collect evidence at a crime scene?

Criminologists collect evidence at a crime scene using methods such as photographing the scene, documenting findings, collecting physical evidence like DNA samples or objects, and preserving the chain of custody. They follow established protocols to ensure the integrity and admissibility of evidence in court proceedings.

Why is evidence more important than witnesses?

You are confused - witnesses are evidence.

Do you need to be charged for a crime before police can take belongings for evidence?

No.Additional: If the police have probable cause to arrest you for the crime they can begin gathering and/or preserving evidence of the offense immediately without awaiting the formal court charging documents.

Why might filmmakers include things about mammoths that there is no evidence for?

Filmmakers might include things about mammoths for which there is no historical evidence. They do this because they want to have magnificent visuals and focus more on making the story interesting than preserving historical accuracy.

When you reach conclusions based on evidence?

When reaching conclusions based on evidence, it is important to consider the reliability and quality of the evidence, as well as any potential biases that may be present. It is also crucial to follow a systematic and logical process of analysis to ensure that the conclusions are well-founded and supported by the evidence. Communication of the conclusions should be clear and transparent, highlighting the key findings and the reasoning behind them.

Why is important evidence in science?

Evidence is important in science because if you are doing a science BCR, you will have to have evidence in your BCR in order to make your BCR true.