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Plants and animals living together in one area are called a community. In ecosystems, they interact and depend on each other for survival and benefit from each other's presence. This interaction is important for the overall health and balance of the ecosystem.

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Q: What are Plants and animals living together in one area are called?
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A living thing that breaks down dead animals and plants for food is called a decomposer.

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its called fauna and all plants living in an ecosystem is called flora

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That is called an ecosystem. An ecosystem is a community of living organisms and their physical environment interacting as a system.

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Animals and plants that live on the oceam bottom are called benthos. they are also normally dead people

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the living parts of an ecosystem is generally called the biotic

How do plants and animals live together?

Symbiosis is the term used when living organisms form partnerships in order to survive. This includes plants, animals, and microorganisms.

What are the living parts in a ecosystem?

the answer to this question is that all animals and plants when get together form an ecosystem. they are the main living organisms in an ecosystem.

What are living parts in the ecosystem?

the answer to this question is that all animals and plants when get together form an ecosystem. they are the main living organisms in an ecosystem.

Living thing that eat other living things?

Animals which eat plants (which are also living things) are called herbivores. Animals which feed mainly on other animals are termed carnivores. Some animals specialise in eating insects and they are termed insectivores and animals which have a mixed diet that can include meat and plants are called omnivores. There are also some plants which can ingest small mammals, birds or insects, these are usually referred to as insectivorous or carnivorous plants.

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Each living thing is called an what?

Each living thing is called an organism. Organisms can be plants, animals, fungi, or microorganisms.