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Biotic components include ONLY living organisms.

Answer- You, Me, all other human beings, animals, plants.

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12y ago

Bacteria and animals and plants

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Q: What are all of the biotic organisms in an ecosystem?
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Organisms within an ecosystem are what factors in that ecosystem?


What are the living organisms in an ecosystem?


What are the living organisms in the ecosystem?


What do you call all living things in a habitat?

It is called biotic factor.

What are the example of biotic?

biotic factors are the living organisms that make up an ecosystem.

What are the biotic factors of the ecosystem?

The biotic factors of an ecosystem are the living factors - anything that lives within the ecosystem. The actual factors vary.

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Is a raccoon an biotic factor?

No, a raccoon is not a biotic factor. Biotic factors refer to living organisms in an ecosystem, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. Raccoons are indeed living organisms, but they are considered biotic agents rather than biotic factors. Biotic factors are typically used to describe the interrelationships and interactions between different living organisms in an ecosystem.

What are the component of biotic component?

Biotic components are the living things that shape an ecosystem. Organisms consume living food and then animals consume the organisms.

How are they similar the biotic community and ecosystem?

Biotic Community- A group of interdependent organisms living and interacting with each other in the same habitat. Ecosystem- a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their physical environment

Is the role of kelp in the ocean ecosystem biotic or abiotic limiting factor?

biotic. Kelp is a plant,plants are living organisms making it biotic