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Q: What are cells with no nucleus or complex organelles called?
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What are animals that use organelles called?

Animal cells use organelles (so do plant cells). Cells with organelles are called "eukaryotic" which means these are cells that have a nucleus (which is one of the organelles).

3 organelles found in animal cells?

Mitochondria, Nucleus, Vacuole, Golgi Complex...

What are Cells that have organized nucleus and internal membrane structure?

Eukaryotic cells have an organized nucleus and complex internal membrane structures

What is a description of a prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus or other complex organelles. They are the simplest form of true life.

What do all eukaryotic cells have that have a membrane-covered compartments called?

Membrane compartments in eukaryotic cells are organelles.

What cell is more complicated Prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Eukaryotic cells are more complex then prokaryotic cells. This is because they are larger in size and have membrane bound organelles. They are have an enclosed nucleus.

Cells with a nucleus and organelles found in plants and animals?

Yes , animal and plant cells have nucleus and organelles .

What are some of cells organeles?

Some cells organelles are: Mitochondria Chloroplast Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Golgi Complex Ribosomes Nucleus etc.

Is archeabacteria prokaryotic?

Well, Prokaryotic Cells do NOT have a nucleus or other organelles. Eukaryotic Cells DO have a nucleus and other Organelles.

How is a Bacterial cell different from an ordnary plant cell?

A bacterial cell is a simple, or prokaryote, cell. This means it has no nucleus or other cell organelles. A plant cell is a complex, or eukaryote, cell. Plant cells have organelles. Both cells have a cell wall. A bacterial cell is a simple, or prokaryote, cell. This means it has no nucleus or other cell organelles. A plant cell is a complex, or eukaryote, cell. Plant cells have organelles. Both cells have a cell wall.

Is the nucleus plant or animal?

A Nucleus is not a cell. It is found in Eukaryotic cells and the necleus controls the cell. You will not find a Nucleus in a Prokaryotic cell. Prokaryotic cells are simpler and do not have a nucleus or organelles. A Eukaryotic cell is more complex and has a necleus and organelles.

Bacteria without a cell wall?

All cells can be classified into one of two groups based on the presence or absence of a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles.Cells containing a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles are classified as eukaryotic. Alternately, cells that lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles areprokaryotic.