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Q: What are chemical messengers that pass through the plasma membrane of cells and have receptor molecules in the cytoplasm?
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What are activities are performed by membrane proteins in multicellular organisms?

Chemical messengers to send information move molecules in and out of cells

What chemical messengers can pass through the plasma membrane and effect receptors in the cytoplasm?

Primary messengers are hormones (extracellular molecules) that conduct the signalling events by not passing though the membrane but binding on the cell surface receptors. Secondary messengers are small molecules that may cross the membrane which actually conduct the downstream signalling events inside the cell (intracellular). cAMP, cGMP, calcium ions, inositol triphosphate are a few secondary messengers. cell proliferation, differentiation, migration, metabolism, cell death such as apoptosis events are all controlled by signalling pathways.

Only those who have the proper on the cell membrane are activated by the chemical messengers?

Target Cell

The molecules in the cell membrane that serve as receptors or binding sites for hormones or other chemical messengers are?

Proteins.Answer found in Eighth Edition of Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology by Elaine N. Marieb

What does cytoplasm have in it?

Cytoplasm is a jelly like fluid between the cell membrane and nuclear membrane.In cytoplasm chemical reactions take place ,these reaction are collectively known as metabolism.

What does NOT influence the rate of diffusion of a chemical across a plasma membrane?

Besides the concentration of the chemical, the pore size of the plasma membrane, and the osmotic pressure of the cytoplasm - nothing else influences the rate of diffusion of a chemical across a plasma membrane.

What membrane bound sac in the cytoplasm contains digestive enzymes that can break down in large molecules?


What can you conclude about the permeability of potato cytoplasm with respect to sucrose and water molecules?

H20 molecules can pass through the membrane freely, however sucrose molecules are too large.

What is the fluid within the cell's outer membrane and is also the site of many chemical reactions?


Molecules move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm through?

Water soluble molecules such as protein and RNA.

What is the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus called?

cytoplasm is located between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

What membrane-bound sac in the cytoplasm contains digestive enzymes that can break down large molecules?
