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Q: What are limiting factors like temperature sunlight and water?
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Related questions

What are 3 limiting factors in the ecosystem?

space,water,and food

When are resources such as water food or sunlight most likely to be limiting factors?

Resources such as water, food, or sunlight are most likely to be limiting factors when a population is approaching the carrying capacity.

Which is NOT a common limiting factor water temperature sunlight color?

The answer is color.

What are 4 limiting factors of living things?

sunlight water soil and food

What are five limiting factors of the water biomes?

1)temperature of water 2)amount of nutrients 3)sunlight 4)the amount of precipitation 5)the amount of oxygen dissolved in water

Light temperature and water are examples of environmental?

limiting factors.

What are the limiting factors for a salt marsh?

sunlight/temp./amount of water/food availability/abundance of predators

What are biotic and abiotic factors of a koala?

Some of the abiotic factors are water, sunlight, and temperature

Temperature sunlight and water are examples of what?

Factors to which living things respond.

What are some limiting factors of temperate grassland?

Cold temperatures in the temperate deciduous forest limit the amount that trees can grow in a year. They go into a period of dormancy and only actively grow during warmer temperatures.

What is the limiting factors of the swamp ecosystem?

ecosystems limiting factors include the temperature of the water, sunlight, the amount of nutrients, and dissolved oxygen content, which is the amount of oxygen gas dissolved in a given volume of water at a particular temperature and pressure. The salinity can also be a limiting factor in aquatic ecosystems. This is the amounts of various inorganic minerals or salts dissolved in a given volume of water.

What abiotic factors are in wetlands?

water, temperature, air, soil, and sunlight