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All living things need nourishment.

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Q: What are living things that must ingest or absorb their food?
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What are living thing that ingest or absorb their food?

All living things need nourishment.

What living things that must ingest or absorb their food they can not make food internally?


Do protists absorb or ingest food?

absorbs the food!

What domains contains organisms that absorb photosynthesize or ingest food and includes protozoans and algae?


What are the characteristic of protist?

Some protists are photosynthetic(like plants),some ingest food(like animals),and some absorb their food(like fungi).

What are organisms that absorb their food from living organisms?


What land-dwelling kingdom's members absorb food from living and non-living organisms?


Do many living things get food from other living things?

Green plants make food from sunlight. All animals get their food by eating plants (living things) or animals (also living things)

What does food do for living things?

All living things need food to give them the energy to grow and move. .

How do scientists group living things as plants or animals?

By their characteristics. Generally animals are capable of spontaneous movement, they ingest food to digest it and they lack rigid cell walls (unlike plants). Please see the link.

How do you ingest food?

Eat it

What do living things get energy from food?

they get food and energy