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Organisms that consume other organisms for energy are consumers.

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Q: What are organisms that can consume other organisms for energy?
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How could you describe animals that are heterotophs?

Organisms that consume other organisms for energy.

What and how do organisms use sunlight energy trapped in plants?

This energy is stored in glucose. Plants synthesize many things using glucose energy. Other organisms consume plants basically

Why plants have chloroplast and animals do not?

It's because animals are heterotrophs. The consume other organisms to gain energy by eating, drinking etc. Plants are autotrophs, which mean they produce and release energy by themselves because they can't consume other organisms. With the exception of carnivorous plants

Is a camel an autotroph or heterotroph?

Camels are heterotrophs. Autotrophs are organisms that create their own food, such as plants. Heterotrophs are organisms that consume other organisms for nutrients/energy.

What are heterotrophs and where do they get their energy?

Heterotrophs are organisms that consume food in order to obtain energy. These organisms get their energy by consuming organic molecules.

What is an organism that must eat others?

An organism that eats other organisms is called a consumer.

Where does the primary source of all energy in an ecosystem come from?

The primary source of energy in an ecosystem is the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis, plants and other photosynthetic organisms convert sunlight into chemical energy, in the form of glucose. This energy is then transferred through the food chain as organisms consume plants or other organisms for energy.

What are the difference between a habitat and a food chain?

A habitat is the environment an organism naturally lives in. A food chain is the order in which organisms consume other organisms for energy.

Is human a heterotroph?

YesA human is a heterotoph, they are consumers.They cannot make energy from sunlight, so they need to consume other organisms to get the energy they need.

Organisms that must obtain nutrients and energy by eating other organisms are?

All animals are heterotrophs, getting their organic molecules (food, growth) from another organism. Those that consume other organisms are predators. The larger predatory animals that consume smaller animals are carnivores (meat eaters).

Organisms that eat producers or other organisms for energy?

Organisms that eat other organisms for energy are hetreotrophs.

How do all organisms get energy?

From what they consume or absorbing heat like from the sun, I think...