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detergents or organic solvents

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Q: What are solutes that can destroy cell membrane?
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The classes of membrane proteins that permit water and solutes to bypass the lipid portion of the cell membrane are?

There are three classes of membrane transport proteins that permit water and solutes to bypass the lipid portion of the cell membrane. They are uniporters, symporters, and antiporters.

What cell membrane have?

Eukaryotes have membrane bound organelles. But not all organelles are bound by a membrane, for example free ribosomes.

What regulates the flow of water through a cell membranes?

concentration of water A concentration of solutes regulates the flow of water through a cell membrane.

Are solutes always able to diffuse through a cell's selective permeable membrane?

No, cell membranes are semi-permeable, meaning they allow some solutes to pass through - but not others.

What does diffusion across the cell membrane cause?

A change in concentration of solutes on either side of the membrane. Depending on the tonicity of the inner-membrane and the outside of the membrane, plasmolysis or cytolysis may occur.

What structure maintains homeostasis by controlling the concentration of solutes within a cell?

Homeostasis is a process that keeps a cell stable. The cell membrane, through the process of diffusion, works to move solutes down a concentration gradient to aid in homeostasis.

Why would res blood cells burst if you placed them in pure water?

Naturally, solutes, like humans, hate to be crowded and like to have their own space. If given the opportunity, the solutes floating around in red blood cells would move through the cell membrane and float around freely outside. However, since the membrane is impermeable, the solutes draw water in. When too much water is drawn into the cell, the cell bursts. This wouldn't be a problem if the surrounding water wasn't distilled and had a lot of solutes of its own. Then the solutes in the surrounding water would compete with the solutes in the red blood cell to pull water.

Which process is responsible for involving an antiport carrier moving solutes in opposite directions across a cell membrane?


What part of the plasma membrane regulates what enters and leaves the cell?

Transport proteins provide channels for certain solutes to enter and leave the cell.

Which the two structure in plant cell are selectively permeable allowing molecules of water and small solutes to pass through but preventing the passage of large solute molecule?

Cell membrane and sap vacuole membrane

When will water and solutes stop moving across a membrane?

Particles in a given medium stop moving across the membrane during diffusion when a state of equilibrium is reached, that is when the number of particles on either side of the membrane equalizes.

Why is the Cytoplasmic membrane a poor target for antibacterial medication?

The cytoplasmic membrane is a poor target for antibacterial medication because of the difficulty in creating an antibiotic that will destroy the cytoplasmic membrane in a bacterium and not destroy the cytoplasmic membrane in a human cell.