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The ability to produce their own food.

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Q: What are some examples of adaptation of animals and plants?
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What are some examples of standards of living?

Plants,animals and humans

What are some examples of plantae and animalia in taxonomy?

Those are just the latin terms for plants and animals. I'm sure you can give examples of plants and animals from your experience.

What adaptation do plants and animals have in common?

plants and animal adaptations are common because they all live in some sort of habitat where they can survive

What are some examples of living organisms?

Some examples of living organisms are plants, animals, humans, maybe even aliens! (Not sure about aliens)u plants and trees

What are some examples of animals that eat plants?

Many animals eat plants. Mammals (cows, deer, horses), fish, invertebrates (snails).

What are the different kinds of animals and plants in the Philippines?

There are a variety of different kinds of animals and plants in the Philippines. Some examples are the Labanos and the Snaggletooth Shark.

What are some examples of what a bear eats?

fish berries plants bears are omnivores which means they eat plants and animals

What are some examples of renewable resorces?

trees,plants,animals,soil,most is water

What are some examples of hervbivores?

its animals that only eat plants which can be maybe cow, sheep and rabbit?

What animals eat what other animals or plants?

Carnivore's eat other animals. Some examples are: Wolves, bears, coyotes, wild cats, stuff like that. Herbivores eat plants. Examples: Rabbits, moose, deer, stuff like that. Hope I helped!

What are example sentences of adaptation?

The adaptation of dandelions to North America was a mistake.He wrote an adaptation of King Lear.

What kind of animals eat other animals or plants?

Carnivore's eat other animals. Some examples are: Wolves, bears, coyotes, wild cats, stuff like that. Herbivores eat plants. Examples: Rabbits, moose, deer, stuff like that. Hope I helped!