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One example of convergent evolution is the shape of the duck's bill and that of the platypus. The two are similar in shape due to similar ecological requirements (obtaining food in shallow, muddy water), but are not made of the same material and appear in unrelated taxa (birds and mammals). Another example is the superficial skeletal resemblances (especially in the skull) of the Tasmanian wolf (a marsupial) and the Grey wolf ( a placental mammal). These animals are only very distantly related, but occupy similar ecological niches (top rank predators living in woodland). One of the most dramatic examples of divergent evolution can be seen in the bat, where the forelimbs have been heavily modified (from ground locomotion) for flight. Adaptive radiation can be seen in the numerous species of finches on the Galapagos Islands, but which are believed to have originated from one species from the mainland. As for coevolution, my favorite examples can be seen in plants, especially orchids, whose flowers have evolved to attract very specific pollinators, while the behavior of the pollinators have in turn evolved to become more specific to that particular plant.

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15y ago
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3mo ago

Examples of coevolution include the relationship between flowers and their pollinators, predator-prey interactions like the arms race between cheetahs and Gazelles, and the coevolution of parasites and their hosts, like the relationship between cuckoo birds and their hosts.

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11y ago

Examples include: One example of coevolution is bumblebees and flowers. the bumblebees move the pollen around, causing more flowers to grow. Another example is acacia ants and acacia trees, as well as African moths and angraecoid orchids.

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11y ago

The most common example of coevolution is flowers and bees: each has evolved to the point that it needs the other for survival, with the bees pollinating the flowers and the flowers feeding the bees.

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8y ago

Flowers and their insect pollinators are a classic example of coevolution, as flowers arose some insects evolved to eat the nectar while incidentally carrying pollen from flower to flower. The flowering plants evolved to be more attractive to the insect pollinators. All unconsciously, due to random mutation that erected variations in both flowers and plants that were subject to natural selection.
when the original ancestor of a horse and giraffe split to make the needs of both species

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12y ago

Many angiosperms are coevolving with their insect and bird pollinators. But a good example is foxes and rabbits. As rabbits evolve faster runners foxes must coevolve faster runners to eat. Many prey/predator species do this in senses of smell, hearing and other anatomical adaptions that are in an " arms race " that never ceases, but is constrained by physics.

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12y ago

An example is primates to humans.

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11y ago

anything you want to think

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Q: What are some examples of coevolution?
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The address of the Coevolution Institute is: 423 Washington St #4, San Francisco, CA 94111

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Called coevolution.

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When two species evolve together, it is known as coevolution. This process involves reciprocal evolutionary changes that occur in response to one another, often in a tightly interconnected relationship. Coevolution can lead to specialized adaptations and mutualistic interactions between the two species.

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D, coevolution

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Compare coevolution and symbiosis?

A coevolution is the reciprocal changes in two or more populations and a symbiosis is when two different organisms live in close associations with each other! HOPE THAT ANSWERED EVERYONE'S QUESTION!!!! :)