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DNA can be damaged by any mutagen. Some mutagens are carcinogens. Carcinogen means a cancer causing agent.

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1mo ago

Factors that can cause DNA damage during cell division include exposure to mutagens like radiation or chemicals, errors in DNA replication, and oxidative stress from metabolic processes. Additionally, environmental factors such as pollution, UV radiation, and certain lifestyle choices like smoking can also contribute to DNA damage.

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11y ago

If DNA is extensively damaged, the p53 protein halts cell division and stimulates the activity of special enzymes to repair the damage.

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Q: What are some factors that can cause DNA damage during cell division?
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Why the formation of calluses on the hands provides evidence that cell division can be stimulated by cell damage?

Calluses form on the hands in response to repeated friction or pressure, which causes damage to the skin cells. This damage stimulates increased cell division in the affected area to repair and reinforce the skin, leading to the formation of a callus. This process demonstrates that cell division can be stimulated by factors such as damage or stress to the cells.

What is the cause of tetraploid?

Tetraploidy can result from errors during cell division, such as nondisjunction or endoreduplication, leading to the doubling of the chromosomal content in a cell. It can also be induced experimentally through chemical treatments or genetic modifications.

What damage can a bullet do to your arm?

A bullet can cause severe damage to the arm, including fractures, nerve damage, blood vessel injury, and soft tissue damage. The extent of the damage depends on factors such as the type of bullet, velocity, and trajectory. Immediate medical attention is crucial in cases of gunshot wounds to the arm.

Anything that can cause damage to DNA I DONT KNOW BUT THESE ARE THE LETTERS IN IT UNGATEM?

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun, certain chemicals like tobacco smoke or pollutants, and errors during DNA replication can cause damage to DNA. This damage can lead to mutations and potentially impact the normal functioning of cells, increasing the risk of diseases like cancer.

DNA mutations can lead to genetic disorders diseases or even the death of an organism Which of the following factors is most likely to cause a mutation in DNA?

Exposure to harmful environmental factors such as radiation, chemicals, or toxins is most likely to cause mutations in DNA. These factors can damage the DNA structure and lead to errors in the replication process, increasing the risk of genetic disorders or diseases in organisms.

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Why would a fetus be more sensitive to radiation?

Because it is in the beginning stages of development.Answer:There are several factors and logical consequences at work:Radiation has its greatest impact on cells when they are dividing and multiplying.Fetal cell division is happening rapidly.Radiation has more opportunities to interact with the division (cause damage) because cell division is occurring rapidly.Since a cell damaged early in the development has several subsequent cell generations present, the damage can be cumulative with more damage occrring

Why the formation of calluses on the hands provides evidence that cell division can be stimulated by cell damage?

Calluses form on the hands in response to repeated friction or pressure, which causes damage to the skin cells. This damage stimulates increased cell division in the affected area to repair and reinforce the skin, leading to the formation of a callus. This process demonstrates that cell division can be stimulated by factors such as damage or stress to the cells.

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The L- Wave or the Love and Rayleigh waves (collectively known as surface waves) cause most of the damage during an earthquake.

What are 4 things that contribute to mutation?

DNA replication errors during cell division can introduce mutations. Exposure to mutagens such as radiation, chemicals, and viruses can cause DNA damage and mutations. Environmental factors like UV light can induce mutations in DNA. Inherited genetic mutations passed down from parents can contribute to mutations in offspring.

Which seismic wave cause most of the damage during an earthquake?

The L- Wave or the Love and Rayleigh waves (collectively known as surface waves) cause most of the damage during an earthquake.

Do earthquakes cause a lot of damage to property?

Yes, earthquakes can cause severe damage to property, especially in areas where buildings are not constructed to withstand the shaking. The extent of damage depends on factors including the earthquake's magnitude, depth, and proximity to populated areas.

Was the Vatican damaged during WW2 bombings and what was the damage?

Yes, the Vatican was bomber twice during the war. To read a description of the bombings and the damage they cause, read this link.

When a hurricane hits land most of the damage is caused by what 2 things?

Storm Surge is a major contributor to tropical cyclone damage. Hurricane Sandy for example cause much of it's damage along the coastline of New Jersey by its high storm surge of nearly 11 feet. Farther inland during the storm high winds can down trees and cause more damage. Rain can also cause damage. Hurricanes with a lot of rain can trigger landslides and overflowing rivers which can lead to unstable ground and erosion. There is not 2 primary things that cause the most damage. All of the factors of hurricanes are damaging.

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The Earth's tilt and orbit cause seasonal temperature changes.

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Love and Rayleigh waves which are collectively known as surface waves cause the most damage during earthquakes.

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