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A difference between a flowing water ecosystem and a standing water ecosystem is that different organisms can survive in each. Smaller organisms are able to survive in the standing water ecosystem because they won't get swept away.

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9y ago
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14y ago

The difference it that standing water has no flow or current. Flowing water has a direct source, ie; a stream a river. Standing water is more like a puddle, or a bucket of water. Also just for extra information, mosquitoes don't breed in flowing water.

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11y ago

Flowing-Water Ecosystems Rivers, streams, creeks, and brooks are all freshwater ecosystems that flow over the land. Organisms that live there are well adapted to the rate of flow. Some insect larvae have hooks that allow them to take hold of aquatic plants. Certain catfish have suckers that anchor them to rocks. Trout and many other fishes have streamlined bodies that help them move with or against the current.

Flowing-water ecosystems, such as rivers, originate in mountains or hills, often springing from an underground water source. Near the source, the turbulent water has plenty of dissolved oxygen but little plant life. As the water flows downhill, sediments build up and enable plants to establish themselves. Farther downstream, the water may meander more slowly through flat areas, where turtles, beavers, or river otters make their homes.

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12y ago

Water does not always cover a wetland as it does a standing-water ecosystem.

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12y ago

i dont know the answer butt head

^ So then don't answer, biggest butt head :)

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9y ago

Standing water ecosystems and flowing water ecosystems are similar in that they are both freshwater ecosystems. They also contain a similar variety of plants and animals.

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11y ago

They both have fresh water except flowing water has rivers,streams,and creeks and brooks that are all freshwater ecosystems and standing water is usually water circulating within them

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Q: What are some of the differences between a Flowing Water Ecosystem and a Standing-Water Ecosystem?
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