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* Epithelium - Tissues composed of layers of cells that cover organ surfaces such as surface of the skin and inner lining of digestive tract: the tissues that serve for protection, secretion, and absorption. * Connective tissue - As the name suggests, connective tissue holds everything together. Connective tissue is characterized by the separation of the cells by non-living material, which is called extracellular matrix. Bone and blood are connective tissues. * Muscle tissue - Muscle cells are the contractile tissue of the body. Its function is to produce force and cause motion, either locomotion or movement within internal organs. Muscle tissue is separated into three distinct categories: visceral or smooth muscle, which is found in the inner linings of organs; skeletal muscle, which is found attached to bone in order for mobility to take place; and cardiac muscle which is found in the heart. * Nervous tissue - Cells forming the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.

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  1. Connective ..
  2. Epithelial ..
  3. Muscular ..
  4. Nervous (:
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Q: What are the 4 kinds of tissue in the human body?
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How many tissue types are found in the human body?

The human body has 4 primary tissue types: epithelium, connective tissue, nervous tissue, and muscle.

How many tissues present in human body?

The human body has 4 primary tissue types: epithelium, connective tissue, nervous tissue, and muscle.

4 types of tissue?

Human bodies are conformed of 4 basic kinds of tissue. Those are Nervous Tissue, Epithelial Tissue, Connective Tissue and Muscular Tissue. Connective tissue is the most abundant and widely spread and the one that performs more different functions.

Name 3 tissues in the human body?

The tissues of your body are connective tissue, epithelial tissue, skeletal tissue, and muscle tissue.

4 main tissues in the human body?

# Connective tissue- connects # nervous tissue- fast-acting tissue, most controls. # muscular tissue- movement # epithelial tissue- Covers, linings.

How many tissues are there in the human body?

There are four types of tissue found in the human body. These are epithelial tissue, connective tissue, nervous tissue and muscle tissue. Percentage composition of tissue varies from person to person.

What are the 4 levels of organazation in the body?

cell, tissue, organ, and organ system

What are the 4 tissues of the body?

epithelial tissue fluid connective tissue muscular connective tissue nervous tissue

What are the 4 main body tissue type?

Connective tissue- connectsnervous tissue- fast-acting tissue, most controls.muscular tissue- movementepithelial tissue- Covers, linings.

What are 4 mains body tissue types?

Connective tissue- connectsnervous tissue- fast-acting tissue, most controls.muscular tissue- movementepithelial tissue- Covers, linings.

What 4 elements make up the human tissue?

The four elements that make up the greatest percentage of the human body by percentage of body mass are oxygen (65%), carbon (18.5%), hydrogen (9.5%), and nitrogen (3.2%) but there are many others in smaller amounts.

What other then bone is the hardest tissue in the body?

Enamel is the hardest tissue in the body because of the very high concentration, about the 96%, of mineral salts. The remaining 4% is water and organic m