

What are the 8 different blood types?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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15y ago

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the six different blood types are AB, AA or AO, BB or BO, OO

AB, AA, AO, BB, BO, and OO

"The allels for blood types are called A,B, and O. The O allele is recessive to both the A and B alleles. When a person inherits one A allele and one B allele for blood type, both are expressed-phenotype AB. A person with phenotype A blood has the genetic makeup, or genotype BB or BO. Finally, a person with phenotype O blood has the genotype OO"

There are actually more than six blood types. There are 30 different recognized systems, each of which has multiple types (at least two, sometimes more).

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AB+, AB-, B-, B+, A-, A+, O-, O+.

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Blood types have different cells in them as well as different antigens.

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yes. dogs have different blood types?

Why are their so many blood types and how do people get those blood types What are some of the least common blood types?

There are negative and positive of A, B, AB, and O. That means that there are 8 different blood types. Your blood type is determined based upon your mother and fathers blood types. O negative is the rarest blood type.

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type ab- is the rarest, with an average of 1% of the population having it.

What blood types do other animals have?

Animals have many different kinds. The number of blood types vary throughout each different species. For example, cats have 3, cows have about 800 and dogs have 13 (6-8 of which are the major ones). This is why blood transfusions cannot be made to different species. The donors blood will react to the patients blood because their blood types are not the same.

Where is a list of blood types?

Your friend is correct. There are actually 8 different blood types all together. The best way for you to obtain a list and more information about all the blood types, would be to contact the American Red Cross.

Is there different types of blood in cows?

there are 2 types of cow blood- cow blood and baby blood

How do I find out what the four different blood types are?

First of all you can find your blood type from any hospital of doctors office by getting your blood drawn. Also there are 8 blood types O+,O-,A+,A-,B+,B-,AB+,and AB-.

Can different blood types result from different antibodies being present on membranes of red blood cells?

Not quite. Different blood types result from different antigens present on the membranes of red blood cells.

What recipes are appropriate for AB blood types?

Yes, they have a relationship together. Different blood types have different characteristics in diet. There are well-suited recipes for AB blood types as well.

Are the diets for A positive and A negative blood types the same?

You can check the website to learn how to find the right diet for your different blood type that has different recipes for the blood types that are different.

What are the many types of blood?

there are 8 types of blood a+, b+, o+, ab+,a-,b-,o-,ab-