

What are the bones of the toes called?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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The bones of the visibly independent Toes (or Digits) are called the Phalangees (sig. Phalanx). The are named 1 to 5 starting at the Hallucis (big toe) and ending at the pinky toe. There are three boned in each digit (apart from the hallucis); the Proximal Phalanxe attaches to the Metatarsal of the toe; the Distal Phalanx is the tip of the toe (the one that hase the tow nai over it); the Middle Phalanxe is in between and is the oe mising from the hallucis. The joints between the proximal and middle and the middle and distal phalangees are Synnovial Hinge type and so only alow flextion and extension. The Joints between the metatarsals and the proximal phalangees are Synnovial Condyloid and so also allow some Abduction and Adductiuon. The metatarsals re usually considered to be foot bones but they could also be said to be toe bones. They are long thin bones that lie within the foot and do not appear to be separate from the outside.

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The joints in all 10 of your toes are hinge joints. They allow your toes to move only forward (flexion) and backward (extension). The hinge joint is also called a ginglymus joint. Each of your four small toes (which are called phalanges) have three bones. The big toe (called the hallux) has two bones. The hinge joints are present at the areas where these bones meet. The joints in the toes connect the bones with fibrous tissues, called ligaments and tendons.

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The scientific name for fingers are phalanges and toes are also called phalanges

Which bone is referred to as digits?

Digits can refer either to your fingers or your toes. Both finger and toe bones are called "phalanges." The bones of your hands are called metacarpals, while the bones of your feet are called metatarsals.

What is the phalanges bones common name?

Proximal and Distal

Which of these makes your big toe different from other toes?

Your big toe only has two bones (called phalanges) whereas the other toes have three.