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it is collection of pus in subcutaneous plane of gluteal area .it is most likely result from fat necrosis (by trauma ,frequently injection ) superimposed by bacterial infection (mostly staphyllococcal ) .there is history of intramuscular injection followed by painfull swelling and redness .treatment is drainage

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Q: What are the causes of a gluteal abscess?
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What do you mean by gluteal abscess?

Gluteal abscess is a collection of pus lined by inflammatory tissue that is in not in the immediate location of the anus (perianal abscess), but rather just below the skin in the areas covered by the Gluteus maximus and minimus muscles.

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Something that started out as a bedsore turned into an infected hole in a buttcheek.

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Is a gluteal abscess peroneal or perineal?

Neither is correct. Peroneal means in lateral compartment of the leg. Perineum extends from coccyx to pubic tubercle from back to front and between two ischial tuberocities from side to side. Gluteal injection is given in upper and outer compartment of the buttock.

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Possibly an Uracal Cyst

Abscess in a sentence?

Abscess is a collection of pus, in any part of the body, that causes swelling and inflammation around it. The little girl had to see a dentist soon, her tooth had an abscess.

Is it safe to be anaesthetised with an abscess?

While it is safe to be anaesthetised with an abscess, the anesthetic may not be as effective. The abscess changes the PH of the blood and causes the anesthetic to be less profound. It is always best to undergo a course of antibiotics prior to having the abscess treated.

What causes Swelling under check and nostrils?

an abscess could be the cause.

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A granjuloma can form

What causes an abscess on the roof of your mouth?

Bacteria is the cause of an abscess on the roof of your mouth. Contact your family doctor or dentist to find the treatment care you need.

Can abscess cause shoulder pain?

It very well can, but of course it isn't the only thing that causes shoulder pain. Depends on what type of abscess it is. If the pain is dull but persistent, and when you touch/move your shoulder it severely worsens, then it may be caused by an abscess.

What are the causes of development of an antibioma?

giving height dose of antibiotic to a patient have chronic abscess with swelling