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splenic infarction '

subcapsular slenic vein haematoma

left sided pulmonary embolism

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Q: What are the causes of left sided pleural effusion?
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Can a left pleural effusion be serious?

Yes. Deadly.

What side is best to sleep on with a left pleural effusion?

Left side

What are the Causes of medial displacement of apex beat?

Left pneumothorax, right pleural adhesions and rarely right-sided cardiomyopathy (ARVC)

How do infection causes pleural effusion?

This can occur, usually in advanced metastatic Breast cancer, due to cardiopulmonary vascular effects, and then fluid builds up in the pleura (the lining of the lungs).

What causes left sided pain and constipation?

There are several things that may cause left sided pain and constipation. Some of the common causes include gynecological issues, gastrointestinal causes and much more.

What causes ribbon-like stool?

Left Sided (rectosigmoid) Cancer

Pathophysiology of pleural effusion?

The balance of osmotic and hydrostatic pressure in parietal pleural capillaries normally results in fluid movement into the pleural space. Balanced pressures in visceral pleural capillaries promote reabsorption of this fluid. Excessive hydrostatic pressure or decreased osmotic pressure can cause excess fluid to pass across intact capillaries. The result is a transudative pleural effusion, an ultrafiltrate of plasma containing low concentrations of protein.Exudative pleural effusions result when capillaries exhibit increased permeability with or without changes in hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressure, allowing protein-rich fluid to leak into the pleural space.effects depend upon volume, mild doesn`t have any effecet on lung but moderate to severe have compressive effect on lung tissue

What causes of left sided fine basal inspiratory crepitation?

One possible cause is pulmonary congestion from left ventricular failure. See links for more.

What is small left supra patellar effusion?

fluid inside the knee joint

What is pleural parenchymal infiltrates in the left apex?

It means that there is blood, water, or pus on the top left lung.

Fluid in the left pleural cavity tends to gravitate down to the?

costodiaphragmatic recess

What is minimal blunting of the left costophrenic sulcus?

costophrenic sulcus means fluid in the pleural cavity