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Examples of scientific attitude1, respect for the view of others.

2, being open-minded.

3, belief in cause and effect

4, curiosity and imagination

5, ruthless self-criticism

"The success of science has more to do with an attitude common to scientists than with a particular method. This attitude is one of inquiry, experimentation, and humility before the facts." - Paul G. Hewitt, Conceptual Physics, Second Edition, p. 3

"Having a scientific attitude consists in being willing to accept only carefully and objectively verified facts, and to hold a single fact above the authority of the oldest theories. Nothing can be called scientific that is not based on such an attitude." Boris Podolsky, "What is science?," The Physics Teacher , 71-73 (1965).

More input on scientific attitudes
  • Some important characteristics of a good scientist: interest, curiosity, objectivity, flexibility, openness, creativity.
  • It means studying the nature and laws of things rather than taking those things for granted.
  • The most important quality a scientist should possess is to be inquisitive. A good scientist needs to have an inquiring mind, and should question everything he/she is taught. Next would be patience and persistence.

Some characteristics of a good scientist would be: intense curiosity, pervasive skepticism (not cynicism), and skill at making connections "outside of the box".

"Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts" - R. Feynman, "What is Science?", The Physics Teacher Vol. 7, issue 6, 1968, pp. 313-320

Physicist Richard Feynman distinguished Science from all other fields by noting that unquestioned "expert opinion" rules the other fields, while in science the experts of the past are ruthlessly questioned and frequently toppled.

In his speech "Cargo Cult Science," Feynman also notes the difference between real science and fake science: real science always involves extreme bend-over-backwards honesty. Fake scientists get defensive when criticized, and will try to hide their mistakes, while genuine scientists attack their own ideas in order to make sure they're correct. Also scientists will invite critics to attack those ideas, and will even give help to the critics. In scientific debates, the goal is not to win the debate, the goal is to find out which side is actually correct.

So, an ideal scientist is a person who genuinely wants to know the truth, and will drop their defenses and search out their own flaws.

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Biologists need to be gentle and patient as results from experiments may not come immediately. More importantly, they must love nature.

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