

What are the elements in the air?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Nitrogen, oxygen carbon-dioxide, trace amounts of helium and other compounds.

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14y ago
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13y ago

The seven elements found in the air are:








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12y ago

The main elements in the air are:

Nitrogen - 78%

Oxygen - 20%

Argon - 1%

Carbon Dioxide - 0.04%

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6y ago

Air contain oxygen, nitrogen, argon, minor noble gases, water, carbon dioxide.

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How do you get hystoplasmosis?

You can get histoplasmosis from the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. The fungus is typically found in soil and when disturbed releases harmful elements into the air that can then be inhaled by humans.

The 4 basic elements of life?

More than 30 elements have a key function in helping plants and animals live and be healthy .Everything around us is composed of chemical elements. Elements are the basic building blocks of our lives. Elements combine with one another in different proportions to form everything from the air that we breathe, to the wood that we use to build our homes, to our own bodies. Our bodies use different chemical elements for different functions. For instance, our bodies use calcium to build strong bones and fluorine makes our teeth healthier. As our bodies consume these elements through daily functioning, we have to replace them in order to stay healthy and strong. The greatest source of these elements is through the food we eat. Because some of us do not always eat the right foods, we sometimes have to take dietary supplements, such as vitamins, to assure that we maintain the proper chemical balance in our bodies. According to ancient Greek philosophers, all things are made of the four elements: earth, water, air, and fire.

What did people believe that things were made out of before cells were discovered?

They used to think everything was made of a combination of the four elements; fire, earth, water, and air. Disease was believed to be caused by your elements getting out of wack.

Are molecules and elements the same thing?

Molecules and elements are not the same thing. There are many molecules in elements but not elements inside of molecules.

How many elements are in the human body?

there are 25 elements in the human body.

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Is air a compound of elements or a mixture of elements?

Air is not an example for any of the given. It is a mixture of various elements and compounds.

Is air a example of a element?

No, but some of the gasses which make up air are elements (such as oxygen, nitrogen) are elements.

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Air and wind are not elements. There are not located on the Periodic table so they can not be considered elements. Wind is caused by uneven heating on the earths surface, so wind is just another form of air.

What are 4 elements?

the four elements are fire earth air and water

What are of Aristotle's four elements?

The elements are earth, air, fire, and water.

Is air considered not one of the five abundant elements by weight?

Air is not an element, but made of elements. Mostly nitrogen and oxygen, with helium, hydrogen and other trace elements.

What elements are used in an air balloon?

Hot air is common.

What is the element of the wind?

Wind is moving air. Air is mostly composed of the elements nitrogen and oxygen. Please see the link for information about the other elements in air.

Why is air an element?

Air is a mixture of several gaseous elements, such as oxygen and nitrogen, and compounds, such as carbon dioxide. In the sense of the four elements, water, fire, earth, and air, air is an element.

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Why isn't salt on the periodic table?

Air is a mixture of several gaseous elements, such as oxygen and nitrogen, and compounds, such as carbon dioxide. In the sense of the four elements, water, fire, earth, and air, air is an element.

What are the elements in farts?

air and water(more air than water.).