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Oxygen (O) , Cabon (C) , Hydrogen (H) , and Nitrogen (N) make up about 96% of the living matter in your body. That question is literally answered on the page before those 3 questions

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Q: What are the four most abundant elements in your body in order of decreasing percent of body mass?
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Are the elements on a periodic table arranged in order of decreasing atomic mass?

No. The elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number.

What are the two most abundant elements in the human body?

The two most abundant elements are carbon and hydrogen. The 6 most common, in order of abundance are C, H, N, O, P and S.

What are the most abundant elements in the world?

The question is ambiguous. It isn't clear if by "world" you mean the observable Universe, or our planet Earth. The abundance varies. For instance, in Earth's crust (i.e., the part we can easily access), the most abundant elements are oxygen, silicon, and aluminium - in that order.

What are the most abundant elements in a living organism?

In no particular order, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen

List in order of the five most abundant gases in the total atmosphere in order of percent?

From largest percentage to smallest... Nitrogen - Oxygen - Argon - Carbon Dioxide - Neon.

What are the top three elements in the earths atmosphere?

Oxygen, hydrogen & Argon.In order, large percentages of Nitrogen, Oxygen followed by trace amounts of Argon are the most abundant elements in the earth's atmosphere.

What are the five most abundant elements in earth's atmosphere?

The five most abundant elements that make up atomic matter are; Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Carbon and Neon. Hydrogen is by far the most abundant element. There is three times as much Hydrogen than the next most abundant element, Helium.

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The pattern of organization that presents essay topics in order of rising or decreasing significance is called the climactic pattern. In this structure, information is arranged from least to most important (rising) or from most to least important (decreasing) to help guide the reader's understanding and build up to a key point.

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Hydrogen Helium Oxygen Neon Nitrogen Carbon Silicon Magnesium Iron Sulfur Source:

What is the atomic number for coal?

Coal has no atomic number. It is composed of a combination of elements and atoms such as Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Ash, Sulfur, and Hydrogen (in order from most to least abundant).

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