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Q: What are the names of the hip flexor muscles?
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Hamstrings, hip abductors, rectus femoris(one of the quadriceps muscles) and hip flexor.

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What is the names of the hip flexors?

hip flexor

What muscles start with h?

Hip flexor is a common name for the quadriceps, the large thigh muscles involved in both straightening the knee and bending the hip.

How do you know if your hip flexor is torn?

Your hip flexor hurts

What muscles in the limbs are the effectors of a withdrawal reflex?

Flexor Muscles

Is the strongest of the hip flexor muscles?

The strongest Flexor of the hip (thigh) is illiopsoas muscle which is the merger of the illiacus and the psoas major muscle. The illiacus is on the medial side of the pelvic bone attaching to the femur and the psoas major muscle attaches from the lumbar vertebrae to the femur.

Muscles of the wrist?

Muscles of the wrists include carpal muscles and extrinsic hand muscles.

An extensor-flexor muscle not located in the anterior or posterior?

The muscles of the legs do not follow the generalization that extensor muscles are on the posterior and flexor muscles are on the anterior.

What are the effector muscles of the withdrawal reflex?

Flexor Muscles

What muscles make you bend forward at the waist?

The flexor muscles are used when bending forward at the waist. The flexor muscles are located in the cervical and lumbar spine.

What muscles are power wrist flexors?

The muscles that are power wrist flexors are the flexor carpi radialis and flexor carpi ulnaris.