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In general, there are none.

Some research has hinted that there may be differences in the hypothalamus, and other research has hinted that there are differences in finger length, but these studies are early and need more work.

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Q: What are the physiological differences between gay and heterosexual men?
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Are there biological differences between gay people and heterosexuals?

Sexuality is merely the personality trait that determines which gender someone is attracted to. Like being right or left-handed, the only biological difference that can be found is in the brain. One study examined the brains of different deceased males and scientists often found a portion of the brain that was more developed in homosexual brains than in heterosexual. However, not all homosexual brains contained this difference, so while it correlates to homosexuality, it is not necessary for it to exist. Neurologists are learning more and more about the brain but how it relates to specific personality traits largely remains a mystery.

If a boy becomes gay what is the difference made in his body?

You can't change to gay. It's not possible. Sexual orientation is permanently fixed at a young age, possibly birth. Also, there is no difference between a gay man's body and a straight man's body.

How do gay people reproduce?

Unlike straight couples, gay couples obviously cannot reproduce with each other. Lesbians typically choose between them who will carry the child and then go to the sperm bank to acquire the male component. Gay men will typically find a consenting surrogate female to carry their child to term. Both gay men and gay women also adopt children.

Cactus physiological adaptations?

Cacti have adapted to hot, dry climates in a number of different ways. Their leaves have grown spines in multiple clusters, which produce shadows on the plant. The spines also help the plant collect precious rain water and the morning dew.

Is Benjamin syndrome inherited?

It is a congenital condition, marked by facial and craniological differences. There are also Internet references made to "Harry Benjamin Syndrome," the cause, some say, of Transgender and Gay people. However, there is not any scientific documentation that this is in any way a causal factor.